Salt and Pepper (Stark x reader)

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Tony's parties were just about the worst thing that you could think to do with your free time. You loathed the attention you received as his girlfriend; random women staring at you as you passed by, whether you were on his arm or not, the occasional overheard comment that they thought was whispered quietly enough, and the realization that not everyone was happy for you. When you agreed to go on that very first date with your teammate, you knew full well that if the two of you grew into a relationship together, that these things would come with the territory. What you didn't realize was how much it would actually affect you.

You preferred to spend time with Tony in ways that perhaps lent a little more privacy, or that would allow you both to be more of yourselves than these stuffy events did. You enjoyed a movie night, a quiet dinner, and walks around Central Park as much as he enjoyed a dinner at the top of the highest skyscraper or black tie events at the Met. The two of you couldn't be more different in styles, but in every other way you were a perfect match. Not that it should have mattered, but not everyone saw it the same way.

"I hate you," you whispered in Tony's ear through a false, tight smile as the cameras flashed around you. With one hand draped over his arm, and the other waving to the crowds that had gathered outside of the tower, you could only count down the seconds until he was ready to finally go inside.

"You love me."

"Don't be so sure."

"This is a part of the job, you know that," he smirked, leaning in to kiss your cheek, inciting a rapid flash of lights from the cameras again. "Alright, we can go."

"Thank god," you groaned, this time giving the photographers a genuine smile only because you were about to get away from them once and for all. "Thank you, everyone, goodnight," you waved, turning with him to go into the tower. Once inside, you moved to a corner away from the windows and leaned against the wall to catch your breath and to calm your nerves before your next task of facing his partygoers. Tony approached slowly with his hands up, cautiously reaching out to take your hand with a press of his lips gently against it.

"I'm sorry. I know you hate this stuff, I swear, I do."

"But yet here we are."

"Tell you what," he smiled coyly, taking your other hand as well, "as soon as this shindig is done, we order some cheap Chinese, get into sweats, I'll let you wear my old Sabbath t-shirt that you like so much, and we spend the night in bed watching shitty movies. Does that sound better?"

"That sounds amazing. Can we just skip to that?"

Tony's smile had always somehow convinced you to go along with even his worst plans, and this one was no exception. His stupid smile and mischievous sparkle in his eyes was definitely hard to deny. "Give me two hours, sweetheart. Two hours, and we're out."

"Hey, JARVIS?"

"Yes, miss?"

"Count it down."

Tony's mouth hung open and he clutched his chest, feigning hurt and shock, "wow. You know, this lack of trust really doesn't bode well for longevity in our relationship, (Y/N). That hurts me. Right here."

You reached up and took his face in your hands, giving him a small kiss before taking his hand again and leading him to the elevator with a renewed vigor in your step. You were practically skipping and he was more than happy to follow closely behind. Two hours didn't seem so bad, and the promise of time alone was all you would need to make it through.


"This is some party, (Y/N). Tony sure knows how to show off his toys." The random woman that you didn't know smiled at you condescendingly, tipping her ridiculously expensive champagne flute to her lips as she watched for your reaction. All you were trying to do was play the gracious hostess against your will, and you had no idea who she was, but you knew exactly what she was trying to say.

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