Blind Luck (Stark x blind!reader)

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"Right foot!"

"Tony, yelling amorphous directions like that won't help me. I'm gonna need specifics."

"Okay, there's a pile of dog shit by your right...foot...yep, you just found out the hard way," he laughed, stopping to direct you to a nearby bench. "Was that specific enough?"

"I hate you." Dropping down on the bench, you kicked off your shoe and sat motionless, waiting for him to offer to clean up the mess that he had failed to help you avoid. "You know, when you took this job as my seeing eye dog, I assumed that you knew what you were doing, Stark. If I'm gonna learn to adapt and to live independently again, I need you to be clear on how to help me get there."

"Sorry, you're right," he nodded, taking your offensive footwear away and attempting to clean it with a look of utter disgust on his face. "But you need to be a little nicer about it, you know."

"I'm sorry too," you relented with a sigh, feeling him slide your shoe back over your foot. "It's just hard to adjust to this. One minute I feel like I might be making some progress, but then in the next I trip over my own feet and I feel like I'm starting from the beginning."

"Maybe it's because your feet are so big."

"Maybe it's because you're an ass who can't give directions."

Tony sat up straighter, his face growing red as his frustration began to build, "you know what, princess? I feel bad enough as it is. I recruited you to the team, and if I hadn't, then you wouldn't have been in that accident and you wouldn't be in this position right now. Right? It's my fault that this happened, and I'm just doing the best I can here to pay a little penance."

"Oh, so you're helping me out of guilt? Honorable."

You pulled your foot from his grip sharply and crossed your arms over your chest, turning away from the direction of his voice. The feeling of tears stinging your eyes only made you angrier, not wanting him to see you break down because of anything that he might say to you. You knew full well that he had been harboring guilt about what had happened to you, and the last thing you wanted was to make him feel worse. "I'm sorry that I've become such a burden to you, Tony, but you don't need to feel guilty about this. Don't feel like you have to be here."

"I want to be here," he hissed under his breath, "but you're making it impossible. So, tell ya what," he paused, standing with a slap of his hands on his legs, "why don't you sit here for a bit and think about if I'm the right guy for this job. Clearly, we have a serious breakdown of communication and trust, which I think is necessary to keep me from deliberately making you fall on your ass."

"Fine. Take your time."



"Petulant ass," you mumbled, realizing now that you weren't sure how long you had been sitting alone in the park. "Hey, JARVIS, what time is it?"

"6:45pm, miss."

"What time was it when he left?"


"So when I told him to take his time, he really took it to heart," you mumbled to yourself, thinking of how you were going to get yourself back to the tower without him to guide you. You could easily ask someone to help you get a cab, but you weren't really sure where he had sat you in the park and which way to go to find one. He had really left you in a bad position.

"JARVIS, I'm gonna need a little help with directions. You up for it?"

"I will get you home safely, miss. Do not worry. I can guarantee you that my directions will be considerably more effective than those of Mr. Stark."

You stood with a nod of agreement and acceptance of your situation, putting your faith in Tony's own creation to be your savior when he couldn't come through for you himself as he had once promised. Pushing away the pangs of disappointment and trying to ignore the new fear building in you from being so alone, you dropped your white cane on the ground and stood tall.

"J, you're hired."


When Tony returned to the bench after losing track of time and losing track of the rambling thoughts in his own mind, he found you gone.

"Shit," he mumbled, spinning around to look for you. "Shit, shit, shit." He grabbed his phone and dialed your number frantically, praying to himself that you would answer. When you didn't, his panic immediately began to grab ahold of him. "JARVIS, you gotta help me. Where is (Y/N)? Is she safe?"

"You are in considerable trouble, sir."

"Yeah, I got that. Could you just answer me please?"

"This was a blatant disregard of your responsibilities and a disregard for your friend's wellbeing."

Tony dropped himself solidly onto the bench with a loud groan and a tirade of curses, bringing the attention of a few passersby. "Can I help you?" he snapped at them as they stared, scurrying away at his tone. "J, I didn't ask for the lecture, alright? I'm sure she has one all worked out for me, and it's probably much more colorful than yours. Please, just tell me where she is."

"Miss (Y/N) is at the tower, sir. No thanks to you."

"Okay, okay, I got it," he hissed through a clenched jaw. "Did she put you up to this? This verbal berating and sucker punch to my ego?"

"I am not at liberty to divulge that information."

"I'll take that as a yes."

"Can I come in?"

"I don't know," you snapped back, "can you?"

Tony rested his forehead against your door with a firm thud that you could hear from the other side of the room, followed by a groan of pain that left you mildly satisfied to hear. "May I come in?"


JARVIS slowly opened the door enough for him to get one foot through and stopped. "Sir, I will be monitoring this conversation and anticipate your forthcoming apology."

"Seriously, what did you do to him?" Tony chuckled quietly, trying to push his way in with no success. "My own creation is turning against me. You're good."

"J, let him in," you sighed, setting your book of braille lessons to the side and pushing yourself up to sitting on your bed. "I didn't do anything to him, Tony. He has a conscience. More than I can say for you."

"I'm sorry, really. I'm so sorry." He stood at the edge of your bed and gave it a tap with his hand to signal that he was there. "Can...may I?"

"Yes, you may."

He sat next to you cautiously, resting a hand on your leg just to assure his mind that you were okay, even though he could see that you were. The tactile connection somehow settled him. "I don't have a good excuse other than that I'm an idiot."

"You can repeat that exponentially."

"JARVIS, stop," you laughed, setting your hand atop Tony's. "Yes, you're an idiot, but so am I. I was rude to you, when I know you're just doing the best that you can. I'm sorry, too."

"Well, I sure can do a hell of a lot better."

"That is a statement filled with redundancy."

"Alright, that's it," Tony huffed, standing and waving his hands around the room as he spoke. "I think someone is due for a reboot! A new motherboard perhaps? Maybe a few adjustments to the damn attitude?"

"After you, sir."

Tony flopped back onto the bed next to you, his laughter quickly joining yours and relenting to the berating that he was receiving. "I don't know how you did it, but if you can turn my own A.I. against me, then please remind me to never cross you again."

"I have set a daily reminder, sir. I will ensure that you do not make such a clearly irresponsible decision again anytime in the foreseeable future."

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