You're Late (Rogers/Wilson x reader)

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Steve was taking the North with his team, and you were directed to the South with yours. Normally the two of you worked as a pair and had done so for every mission since you joined the Avengers a few years ago, so the feeling of running in opposite directions felt foreign and admittedly scary to you.

"Get your ass back here safe, understand?"

"You first," he smiled, snapping the chin strap of his helmet together and raising his arm to summon the shield with a solid snap against the magnets imbedded in his sleeve.

"You can't just say 'you first' when I'm the one who actually said it first, Rogers. But I meant it. No funny business, just get the job done and come back in one piece," you commanded with a sharp poke of the silver star covering the chest of his uniform. "It's movie night and you know I hate it when you make me wait."

"Yes, ma'am," he saluted coyly, reluctantly turning away to join his team and leaving you to gather yours.

Looking back one last time before leaving, you saw that he was feeling as nervous as you were, but neither of you could let that affect your mission or the job at hand. It was easy to say to yourselves, but much harder to actually do, each of you wondering if you would ever see your best friend again.


"thirteen...fourteen...fifteen. Okay, everyone's accounted for on my team," you said with a long sigh of relief, standing in the center of the med bay of the helicarrier and watching half of your group getting patched up after a vicious fight. "Hey, Maria? Has Steve's group checked in yet?"

"Not sure. Nick is in charge of the North teams...hey, you're bleeding, (Y/N)." She took a few long strides to stand next to you and push you towards a nearby gurney, practically lifting you onto it despite your resistance to her help. "Didn't you realize that you were making a pool of blood on the floor?"

"Tis but a scratch. It's just a flesh wound," you joked, but quickly grew serious when she didn't laugh in return. "Monty Python? No? Okay," you coughed quietly, "um, no, I didn't realize that I was making such a mess, sorry." You watched her summon one of the nurses over to tend to your wound, but once Maria left your side you continued to look for Steve, or at least for Nick to tell you if he had heard anything.

"Sam!" you whispered harshly, doing your best to not disrupt the patients around you, throwing your pen at him to get his attention when he didn't immediately reply. "Sam, have you heard from Cap?"

"Ow, hey," he snapped, grabbing the pen and throwing it back at you with a quick flip of his wrist, "you don't have to throw things, (Y/N). I can hear you."

"Have you heard from Steve?"

"No, I haven't. Now let me get my stitches in peace," he groaned, closing his eyes again and turning away to ignore you. "I wouldn't have to get stitches if I got to be on Cap's team..." he grumbled quietly, but not quietly enough to escape you.

"I could give you a few more?"

"No, ma'am, sorry," he conceded with his hands raised in deference, "my bad. You are an excellent commander and the stitches were my completely fault. Your leadership is second only to Captain Rogers and I should never question your authority."

"Quality save," you sighed, lowering yourself onto to the pillow and resolving that the search for your friend would have to wait just a bit longer.


"Has anyone seen (Y/N)?" Steve asked frantically, bruised and beaten, moving from agent to agent to check their rosters of teams that had arrived from the mission. "Has her team checked in?"

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