Cruel Summer (Loki x reader)

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Based on the Avengers Academy game

"I really don't see the purpose in bringing me here, brother. What benefit could I possibly find amongst immature and misguided youths with the ridiculous idea that they could one day be something Avenger? Is that right?"

"Yes," Thor sighed, annoyed that he had already answered this question more than a dozen times, though admittedly impressed that Loki had managed to phrase it completely differently each time.

"That was actually two distinct questions."

"You need oversight and attention that father believes you will find here at the Academy with me. You will receive an education in mastery of your skill, but also how to be a part of a team, Loki." Thor stopped at the entrance to the grounds with a hand resting on the gate, "there is more power and greatness within a group of comrades than any that you can find alone."

"Blah, blah, blah," Loki sneered, "always the righteous one. Just open the gate so that I can see this marvel for myself before I turn it down and return home. It's unbearably hot here."

"So, you're Frosty."

Loki spun on his heel at the sound of your voice, stopping abruptly at the sight of you on the other side of the wire gate. Thor smiled and watched, still not allowing his brother to pass. "I'm sorry, did you call me Frosty?"

"Well, the outfit gives it away," you nodded. "You're not exactly dressed for the weather, and with Thor as your have to be Loki."

"You have me at a disadvantage. Who are you?"

"Oh, sorry," you smiled, extending a hand through the bars, "I'm (Y/N)."

"(Y/N)," Loki repeated, finally taking your hand into a firm shake. "Would you be so kind as to open the gate? We could continue on this way, but our interaction might be easier on the same side."

"Interesting choice of phrasing, don't you agree, Thor? Same side?"

Your Asgardian friend finally opened the gate to allow his brother entry to the campus despite Loki's groaning and complaining with each step. He had a mischief about him that Thor had amply warned everyone about, but you had to see it for yourself, being the current resident troublemaker and Tony's best friend. Tony was the one who had sent you in to size up the competition and you eagerly complied.

"Is it always this hot?" Loki sighed, pulling at the collar of his heavily layered shirt and coat. "It's nearly unbearable."

"So take it off," you shrugged. "I can take you shopping if you want. I'm sure we could find something to make you look good. Oh! Tony just finished construction on a campus pool last week, but no one's used it yet. That would definitely cool you down. We could buy some swim trunks too. I think we should be able to find something other than that dreary green you have on now."

Loki stopped and turned to Thor as you continued on, pulling in closer to whisper so that you wouldn't hear, "is she always this energetic? Does she not ever stop talking?"

"I heard that," you smiled to yourself, still walking farther from the pair. Your voice didn't carry through the air, but rather directly into Loki's mind, jolting him at the sensation.

"(Y/N) is a telepath, brother. There's no need to whisper, she'll always hear you."


After convincing Loki to let you take him to the Academy store, you pushed him through each section until finally coming to the swimwear, where he immediately appeared uncomfortable and began to push back on your idea for battling the heat. When he asked Thor to help get him out of the dire situation, he would only stand at the sidelines and laugh, believing that you might actually be good for his brother.

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