You're My Mission (Avengers x reader)

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The Avengers compound was one of the most secure buildings anywhere; maybe even more so than a few of the highest-level government buildings around the world. The sleek design of the building itself left few hiding places or hidden corners, each room sparsely decorated as if for this purpose rather than just minimalist choice. You had done just enough homework on the facility to get your mission completed, and now as you stood behind it, shrouded in the dark of night, you felt that you were as prepared as you would ever be. You really had no other choice.

Your left hand held a crumpled and worn picture of your little brother in happier times, much happier times, before your parents abandoned you with their Hydra buddies for a little extra cash. Long before they had ruined the innocence of his age, and before they made you into this thing that you were now. You hadn't felt like yourself in years; it had been so long since you had been called by your real name that you held no association with it anymore and it didn't even feel as if it were yours to claim. But every now and again, that name would slip through his lips when you were allowed to see him, and you would force a smile for his sake.

It scared you to think about the day coming when he would be transformed, made into the weapon that you had become, and that fear is what had you standing here now. If you did this, they would leave him alone for a little longer. They would keep him free of the pain that you had willingly taken in his place, even though it likely meant more for you. At this point, you had decided that it wouldn't matter, because it was just one more thing to endure in a long list of what was yet to come.

You quickly folded the picture and shoved it into your boot, taking your knife from its sheath to fill your empty hand. Closing your eyes, you saw the blueprints of the compound in your mind, deciding on your first target and planning the cascade of who would be next after each of them. You pushed your mind to hone in on your first visit to be made, and when you opened your eyes again, you were standing at the bedside of a sleeping Sam Wilson, your blade almost touching his throat.

"INTRUDER ALERT!" FRIDAY's voice boomed throughout the room, it's walls now illuminated in the bright red lights of the warning to the team. Sam almost made the fatal mistake of jumping up too quickly, but the cold metal that just barely pierced his skin stopped him.

"You don't want to do that," he warned quietly, holding his breath as to not move. His eyes had gone from sleepily content to filled with the rush of adrenaline in a blink.

"It's not a matter of want, Mr. Wilson."

"Then you don't have to do this either. Whoever it is that's controlling you, we can keep them away from you."

"Wrong again," you answered, "I do have to do this."

He must have picked up on the slightest movement of your hand as you prepared to swipe the blade over his throat, because he was able to shift quickly enough to knock you back a step, but not so quickly that he didn't suffer a long gash across his collarbone. At the sight of his blood beginning to spill, you hoped that it was enough, and before he could stand to reach for you again, you moved on to your next target as fast as you could now that FRIDAY had given you away.

When you materialized in Clint Barton's room, you left just as quickly, finding yourself on the receiving end of an arrow ready to fire.

"Guys, she can teleport!" he announced to warn the others, rushing out into the hallway fully armed and desperately searching in each direction. Since your attack was happening in the middle of the night, FRIDAY had opened the communicators throughout the building, blending everyone's voices together in a frantic mess. "Call out if you see her, otherwise shut it!"

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