Not Your Type (dad!Tony/dad!Steve x reader)

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It was a topic that had been weighing on you for months now, and with each passing day, your fear of talking to your father about your wavering and uncertain sexuality only grew more daunting until you finally thought that you'd never be able to do it. It was something so personal and probably inappropriate to bring up to him that the idea made you almost physically ill. Your roommate at the tower was in a similar situation with her own dad, and you thought that maybe she would have some insight for you, but it turned out that her concerns only mirrored your own.

You had spent the day studying together, lying on your floor in piles of books and notes scribbled on papers scattered around you. The lack of organization looked the way you imagined your mind to be, with thoughts jumbled and mixed, with no rhyme or reason as to how they were put together. Of all of the things you had read and tried to focus on all day, not a single one had stuck in your memory other than your own worry.

"Have you talked to your dad yet?"

"Yeah, right," you scoffed with a roll of your eyes, "have you?"

"Oh, totally. I'm not terrified at all. Picture of bravery over here, just like the old man," your best friend answered snidely, sounding exactly like her father, the always-brave Captain Steve Rogers. "What's holding you up? Tony's probably the most laid-back dad ever."

"It's not that," you sighed, "it's that I don't know where I'd even start. Talking to my dad about this stuff isn't something that I thought I'd ever have to do. I mean, seriously, how do I start? Hey, pops, how do I decide if I like girls, or guys, or maybe both, or possibly neither? Have you ever thought about guys to think that they might be an option for you? If so, how did that go?"

"Sure, that could work."

"Smartass. Okay, fine, if you've got it all figured out, how are you going to tell Steve about the girlfriend that you've been hiding for over a year now?"

"Who says that I have to?"

"Libby, come on," you warned, "you can't keep hiding her from him. You know that when he finds out, and he will, that he'll be hurt if you didn't tell him first."

"You say that like you've completely forgotten who my dad is, (Y/N). Like he isn't actually from the 40's." She stood up from her place next to you on your bedroom floor, pushing aside the stacks of books from your study session with a loud groan as she thought more about her predicament with Steve. She flopped down onto her bed with a heavy exhalation that filled the room, letting the mattress settle for a few minutes before saying more. "He's not going to understand this. He's not like Tony."

"That's for sure," you muttered, only to turn your head at her silence and realize that she had heard you. "No! Libby, you know that's not what I meant. I love Steve. If I could have anyone else as a dad, it would be him, so don't go there. I just mean that one Tony is more than enough to have around."

Taking her cue that studying was done for the day, you stood up and took a seat on her bed next to her, finding yourself growing more and more pessimistic and believing that the day would never come when you could be open with your dad about the questions that you had. It was frustrating to no end, not being able to sort through this yourself, especially when it pertained to you directly, and the thought of needing his help did nothing but make you uncomfortable with the entire topic.

"Well," she said quietly, breaking the silence, "we could just go talk to them together. Strength in numbers?"

"Or at least we won't die alone?"

"Wow, (Y/N), you really are like your dad."


Your nerves were already raging when you walked into the living room to talk to Tony and Steve, but the sight of them looking back at you with cautious smiles on their faces only sent you into a spiral of panic and doubt. You tried to turn and run, but your friend stopped you, taking your arm and pulling you along so that you couldn't get away.

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