Awkward & Accidental (Matt Murdock x deaf!reader)

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I'm using this as a sequel to: Awkward & Adorable in Book #1

Foggy was right, when you and Matt were together, you were an accident waiting to happen. You had finally figured out communicating, but anything beyond walking side by side always ended up with someone getting a new bruise, a twisted ankle, or most recently a fall on the ice that left you unable to sit comfortably for a week. Daredevil and his girlfriend were becoming the most famous klutzes in Hell's Kitchen.

"I think maybe staying in tonight might be our safest option," Matt laughed quietly, grabbing two beers from his refrigerator. "I think we've tempted fate enough for one winter." He pulled open a small drawer and moved its contents around noisily, not finding what he was after and getting more frustrated by the minute. You watched him struggle for a moment before joining him to help.

"Can I help you find something?"

"No, I think I...ouch!" he hissed, pulling his hand out to show a small cut under his fingernail just beginning to bleed. "Did you move the bottle opener?"

"No, I didn't. Here, give me your hand," you sighed, grabbing a nearby towel and holding the wound until it stopped. It never failed; you almost began to believe that you were cursed by Murphy's Law, that if something can go wrong around you two, then it most definitely would. "You have so much crap in that drawer that I'm not surprised you got stuck." With your free hand you reached in and found the opener, sliding it carefully into his other hand.

"It's a good thing one of us can see around here," he smiled.

"Yeah, I don't know how you've survived so long without me."

"I was just thinking the same thing."

It was a good thing he couldn't see you though, with your mouth hanging wide open and the pale face of shock that you were wearing at his words. You could feel your heart begin to race; his tone had suddenly shifted from playful to serious and quiet, and the entire atmosphere around him had changed. Now that you were too nervous to think clearly, you shifted your focus back to his hand, wiping away the last few drops of blood.

"There, all better." You hoped that he wouldn't pick up on the tremor in your voice, but you were kidding yourself in thinking he wouldn't. You knew his other senses were heightened and that this would never get past him. "Okay, so what movie am I describing to you tonight?"

He popped the cap from your bottle, tossing it lazily onto the counter top, handing it to you but reaching farther and taking your wrist in his hand once it was empty. "Your pulse is fast."

"Really," you deflected in mock surprise, "that's weird? So, movie?"

"(Y/N), come on, you can't honestly tell me that you haven't thought the same way. Sure, we're probably likely to accidentally kill each other more than the average couple, but other than that, I think we have a pretty good shot."

"I think we have a pretty good shot at killing each other, yes." He easily sensed that you didn't want to talk about this and sighed with a shrug, smiling and reluctantly following you to the couch. "I think that every time I see you."

Matt dropped himself heavily next to you and turned to lay his feet on your lap with a contented laugh, knowing that he was playing with his own safety in doing so. "I really wish I could see the look that you're giving me right now. I can feel the temperature drop in the room."

"Oh yeah, you sure about that?" you smirked, wrapping your arm tightly around his ankles. "I really wish I could hear the squealing of little girls that you're about to make." He squirmed a little with the first pass of your fingers over the bottom of his feet, thinking that it wasn't so bad, until you pulled yourself out from under his legs and straddled over them.

"No, no, no, that's a bad idea!" he choked out between laughs. "You should stop before you regret this!"

"Oh, I'm sooo scared! You might not know this, but it's really easy to hide from you, Murdock."

"Well that's just rude, and now you're gonna pay." In a flash of a second he grabbed you and flipped you over, quickly getting the upper hand and holding you down on the couch, straddling your waist. "Because I'm such a nice guy, I'll let you choose where we begin." You struggled beneath him but he grabbed your hands and secured them under his legs, leaning back to hold your legs firmly down. "Save your strength, sweetheart. You know that's not going to help."

"Sorry," you scoffed, closing your eyes tightly, "can't hear you."

It didn't matter; the tickling was relentless, with kicking feet and waving arms trying to stop him as you cried with laughter. Even without his sight, he seemed to always be one step ahead of you as if he could see you reaching for him or trying to get a few tickles in for yourself. It was terribly frustrating but you couldn't get a breath in fast enough to say anything before you started laughing again.

"Give up?" When you didn't respond he looked down and realized your eyes were still closed, with your hands clamped over them to contain the tears running down your cheeks, so you couldn't read his lips. He reached down to pull your hands away at the same time you moved them yourself, inadvertently poking you in the eye with a wayward finger. "Oh, shit!"

"Well that was just mean," you groaned, the humor of the moment now completely gone. "I told you we had a good shot at killing each other." He jumped up from the couch and knelt down at your side, still apologizing and waiting for you to tell him that you were okay. "Yeah, playtime is over."

"I'm so sorry, did I hurt you?"

The pain in your eye was making both of them water incessantly now, leaving it hard for you to concentrate on what he was saying through the tears hazing your vision. You tried to open the injured eye, but it only made the pain worse. "It's fine, just sore. I'll be fine, Matt, don't worry."

"Well I'm going to." He hopped up and scurried to the kitchen, rustling around until he found an ice pack in his freezer, wrapping it in a soft towel before bringing it to you. "Lay down, here," he paused, helping you rest back with the ice over your eye. He raised up and sat on the edge of the cushion next to you so that you could see him again, "I'm gonna call Claire, see if she can come over and look at that."

"No, Matt, don't you dare. You take advantage of that poor girl enough. I'll just sleep it off, it's fine."


The next morning proved that it wasn't fine, waking up with your eye feeling like it was on fire and nearly swollen closed; it was one of barely a handful of times that you were glad that Matt couldn't see you. He insisted that you stay there for the night so that he could make sure that you weren't injured, but once he figured out that you were trying to cover up how bad it was from him, Claire was knocking at his door.

"I'm not wearing that," you groaned, pointing at the eye patch in her hand. "I'm not a pirate."

"You could cosplay as Nick Fury?"

"Only if I get to meet Captain America."

"Oh, yeah!" she smiled widely with a small clap of her hands in agreement. "That man is all kinds of hot."

"Tell me about it. Single too."

"I'm standing right here," Matt coughed under his breath. "Blind. Not deaf."

"Well if we keep this up, I'm gonna be both."

Claire smirked and held out the patch; you took it begrudgingly and put it on with a huff and a snap of the elastic strap on your head. "You realize that if Fog sees me like this, he'll never let me forget it. A deaf girl with one eye dating a blind guy? I can almost write the jokes for him, and I bet they'd be better."

"Yeah, but you don't have to hear 'em. You can just shut your eyes...eye..." Matt chuckled. "You're so lucky."

You gave Claire an exasperated look that she readily returned, shaking her head and grabbing her phone to scroll through her contacts. "You know what, there has to be someone in here who knows Steve. I can't be patching up all of these superhero idiots for nothing."    

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