You've Been Busy (Parker x reader)

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Have you ever been to Germany?

The question seemed simple enough at the time; pretty straightforward, no hidden meaning that Peter could see, and Tony assured him that he would take care of the whole homework situation and any questions that Aunt May could throw at him.  A quick jaunt, throwing a few webs here and there, and maybe even help take Captain America to the ground.  It sounded almost fun. 

That was, until the moment was upon him, landing securely with the shield in hand and giving a small wave to the group before turning to see you standing a few feet behind Steve.  Peter's heart sank into his stomach heavily as if he had swallowed a boulder, his throat tightening as he breathed, and his mind swimming with ideas as to why you were there.

"H-hey, everyone," he choked out meekly in his stupor, "Cap- Captain, big fan...I'm Spiderman..."

You were frozen at the sound of his voice, not realizing that he would be here, and certainly not on the side of your opposition. There hadn't been anything that would have led you to think that Tony would seek him out, and if there had been, you would have put a fast stop to it.  Peter had no business here as far as you were concerned; he was an outsider.  He wasn't an Avenger, and he had no stake in the politics that were tearing the team apart.  He was only here because he had fallen under the spell of Tony Stark charm and money, confirmed by the upgrade he was now wearing.

"You've been busy," Steve said plainly, only angering Tony further.

"And you've been a complete idiot," he shot back.

As the dialogue continued, you couldn't focus on anything other than Peter, with his attention solely on you in return.  If you could see his eyes behind the mask they were likely filled with confusion and maybe even a little betrayal, but you couldn't think about that right now; you were here with a purpose and a clear directive, ready to follow any order that Steve set.  If that meant that you fought Peter, then so be it.  As luck would have it, that's exactly what you were doing only minutes later.

"What are you doing here?" he whispered harshly, holding your arms tightly pulled behind you as he held you to the ground.  "You never told me that Cap called you."

"I could ask you the same," you grunted under his hold. "So what, Stark buys you a few new toys and now you're one of his?"  Thrusting your head back, you caught his jaw hard enough to startle him, allowing your escape from his grip.  You pulled two batons from your belt and held them ready, your eyes flickering to his wrists. "You gonna web me up too, Pete? What did Tony tell you about us?"

"(Y/N), I don't want to..."

"That's not what I asked."

"Fine, you wanna go?  Then let's go.  He said that you're wrong, but you think you're right..." he paused, tilting his head slightly and securing his stance, "and it makes you dangerous."  His hands raised up and shot two webs over head that were meant to pull him up and away, but you thrust your batons forward, wrapping the material around them with a hard tug to disconnect them from where they landed before he could flee.  "Oh come on, (Y/N), are we really gonna do this?"

"I can't let you get in the way, Pete, I'm sorry."

"I can't let you go, (Y/N)," he replied sorrowfully, taking a step back.  "So what do we do?"

"We fight."


It was a joke to Peter, a sick and twisted joke that anyone would expect him to go back to life as usual after that day, and the last person that he expected to agree was Tony.  But that's what happened; Stark brought him home, gave him the promised upgrade of a few new gadgets, and said his goodbyes like nothing horribly traumatic had happened.  Your name never came up in the limited conversation on the flight home, and Pete wondered if Tony even realized the connection between you.

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