Unstable (Parker/Maximoff x reader)

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This wasn't supposed to happen. They would come for you now, and you would be locked away forever once they saw the damage that you had just caused; the death around you that was on your hands. It wasn't fully your fault; you had been given too much power, too many abilities, and not enough control. Your brain was nearly at 100% activity and it was spiraling into depths that terrified and intrigued you at the same time. There was almost no limit to what you could do now, but you would be considered a weapon after this; you would be considered a threat that needed to be neutralized, and they would be coming for you.

"You didn't mean to do this, right? I know this was an accident. You didn't mean it."

"What?" you muttered, spinning around to find the source of the almost sweet voice behind you that in no way fit into the chaos in every direction. "No, of course not. I couldn't...I don't know how to stop it..."

"Would you trust me if I asked you to?"

"Who the hell are you?"

"I can take you somewhere, to people who can help you. I know the Avengers!" he practically squealed, holding a hand out to you enthusiastically. When sirens began to sound in the not-so-far-off distance, he stood straighter and his tone shifted. "Seriously, we need to move."

"I'm not moving until you tell me who you are, baby arachnid," you insisted, folding your arms tight. "I can handle myself."


"Shut up," you snickered, finding yourself oddly and quickly at ease with whoever this new guy was. The first siren grew until the sound boomed and reverberated between the skyscrapers around you, deafening you both until you had to yell to hear each other. The realization that you had only minutes left of freedom finally struck you, and panic began to set in. "Fine! I'll trust you! For now!"

"Awesome! Grab on!"

You wrapped an arm around his neck and the slid the other around his waist, gripping him as tightly as you could as he lifted a hand to the air to find the right trajectory to hit, but you had yet to understand what that really meant. "Tell me who you are!"

Suddenly, you were yanked up from the ground and into the air, swinging smoothly yet insanely quickly from building to building, but to you, it was the best ride of your life and now you wanted so much more of this. It was beyond exhilarating, heightening and awakening your senses, and if you could learn to like this kid, maybe you could talk him into making it a regular thing.

"I'm Spider-Man!"

"Not in that onesie, you're not!"

"It's not a onesie!" he yelled back, his grip pinching your side almost playfully, and in sharp contrast to the mood that you were still in as he carried you over the destruction that you were leaving behind. You knew that he could sense the shift in the moment and that the time for joviality was long gone; his grip lightened, though he still held you safely against him. Even as he masterfully carried the two of you closer and closer towards the Avengers tower, he was able to lean his head closer to yours, speaking with a welcome softness that actually made you feel just a little bit better.

"I'll stay with you the entire time, okay? If you say go, we go, no questions."


"Yeah," he chuckled coyly, "I mean come on. You're already comfortable giving me a hard time and we just met. Keep this up and I might start to like you."

"That's a dangerous game..." you stopped, making a realization, "I don't know what your name is. I'm (Y/N)."


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