Deja Vu (Frank Castle x reader)

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Three more steps to the door and you would be out of sight. Three more steps and you would be free of the questions that were certain to come with the sight of you wearing a dress and high heels at work.

"Do you have a hot date?"

"So close," you mumbled, turning around slowly with a complacent smile. "No, Fog, I don't. Even if I did, you'd definitely be the last person that I'd tell."

"Karen!" he yelled out across the small office, making you startle. "Does (Y/N) have a date?"


"Traitor!" you yelled back, hanging your head and attempting again to leave, but Foggy took your arm and turned you back to face him.

"With who?"

"The traitor in the other room set us up a while back, and because I really like this guy, I'm not about to screw it up by telling you. Now, can I go?"

He held up a single finger to signal for you to wait, scurrying around the desk to his computer, rapidly typing and studying the screen that lit his face in the dim light from the setting sun outside. You checked your watch and tapped your foot anxiously, hoping that he would get the hint.

"Okay, seriously though, I'm gonna need a name, and if by any chance you have a social security number..."

"No," you scolded with a harsh point, "no, Fog. You're not doing a background check. I'm leaving." With as much subtlety as you could manage, you slipped off your heels and held them tightly, leaning back in through the door before breaking into a run down the stairs to avoid the chase your friend was sure to give you.

"I'll tell Frank you said hi."


Little did Foggy know that 'a while back' was almost six months ago, and you had managed to keep your relationship a secret for all that time. Now that things felt secure and had been going well, it didn't bother you to playfully throw out Frank's name to him. It was difficult to keep it undercover for so long, but since he needed to stay in hiding, it was how it had to be if the two of you wanted to see each other.

"I never realized that you were such a troublemaker," Frank laughed, "but I think I like it."

"Of course you do. Someone needs to have a little fun around here."

"What?" he gasped, feigning hurt with a hand clutching at his chest. "You don't think that I'm fun?"

He gave you a little pout, though there was a smile in his eyes and a laugh ready to escape as you stood, leaning over the table that held your dinner to take his chin in hand. "Oh, baby, you know I do. No need to pout." He stood to meet you half-way, putting a hand around your waist to pull you closer to meet your lips, not a care to the dishes that were knocked over and the food spilled beneath him.

"We should get outta here," he breathed quietly, closing his eyes and resting his forehead against yours. "I've been watching your place and I don't think anyone knows about me."

"Ah, peeping in the windows now? You know, all you have to do is ask-"

Something caught his attention in his periphery, and he tried to push you down, but an explosion just outside of the building shattered the windows and threw both of you across the small diner. The force of it was so loud that all you could hear for a few minutes was a constant ringing in your ears, and your eyes burned from the flash. You could see Frank crawling towards you, and you allowed yourself a breath of relief for at least that much.

"(Y/N)! Are you okay?" Frank's hands were immediately on you, searching for injury and making sure you were awake. "Can you get up?"


"Get in the back and hide. Don't come out here until I get you. Do you understand?"

"Be careful," you groaned, crawling over the shattered glass, grimacing with each movement at the glass imbedding itself into your skin. One of the waitresses grabbed your arm and helped you to stand, bringing you into a large refrigerator to hide with her.

"What's going on?" she asked shakily, still holding onto you. "Do you know what happened?"

"No," you lied, "I don't know. We just need to stay here until he comes back. We need to stay calm."

She saw that your legs were bleeding and that you had a decently sized gash on your head and insisted that you sit down. Throwing items around on the shelves until she found what she wanted, she finally grabbed a bottle of Vodka from the far back. "Okay, this is gonna hurt, but we need to clean those out." She saturated a few random cloths with the alcohol before pouring the remainder on your cuts, wincing with you with each yelp you let out in pain.

A small knock on the door broke your focus from your discomfort; the sound of his voice immediately after made you forget it all together.

"(Y/N), are you in there? It's okay now."

Your new friend hurried across the cold room and to the door, opening it for Frank to rush in and past her to get to you. "Oh, sweetheart, I'm so sorry," he groaned, his hands hovering over you as he assessed your injuries. "Come on, I'm gonna pick you up. Hold on, okay? I called Karen to get you and take you to a hospital."

"No," you argued, "no, Frank, stay with me. If you leave, I know you're not coming back. I can see it. You won't even look at me."

"She'll make sure you're okay."

"If you're doing this to protect me, you don't have to. I can take care of myself. Just don't leave."

Without another word, he carried you across the broken debris and shattered glass, bringing you outside to a small bench clear of the building and fires that still burned within it. Gently setting you down, he knelt at your side and finally looked at your face; his eyes were filled with sadness and a haze of tears, but before you could say anything, he gave you a quick kiss and stood, running to the back of the building and out of sight.

Frank knew that you wouldn't be able to follow him with your injuries, but he still ran far enough to not be able to hear if you tried to call out after him. He ran far enough so that he wouldn't be tempted to turn back. He ran far enough away so that he would never be able to hurt you again.

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