I'm Not That Kind of Doctor (Barton x reader)

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Clint couldn't believe what was being asked of him for this mission; well, not even a true mission really, but a task that Tony decided that he was perfect for beyond everyone's better judgement. The group sat around the conference room, giving him their best looks of support and encouragement as he held the crisp, white coat in his hands, staring down at it as if it were making him painfully uncomfortable to even have it touching his skin.

"I have to go undercover as a doctor?" he asked quietly. "Are you fucking kidding me? Why aren't you making Banner do it? At least that would make sense."

"We can't. He's out of town until next month, remember?" Tony answered with a smug grin. "Besides, you don't have to do anything doctor-y. All you have to do is walk up to the nurse's station, tell them that you're there to transfer the guy that we need to apprehend, and then wheel him down to the lower level so we can take him."

"He's gonna screw this up."

"Thanks, Nat. You could at least fake a little support," Clint huffed. He tossed the coat onto the table with an annoyed flip of his hand, crossing his arms tightly over his chest in frustration while his foot tapped incessantly with the growing anxiety that he was finding harder to control. "She's right though."

"Barton, you're not going to screw this up," Steve added, trying to be supportive despite the harsh glare thrown to Nat, "and we're going to be there to back you up. Just act like you're supposed to be there and like you know what you're doing, and you're good."

Clint snorted in amusement as he stood, reluctantly grabbing the coat again to point it in his teammate's direction, "yeah, you see, Cap, that's the problem. I have no clue what I'm doing, which you all get to find out the hard way. Don't say that I didn't warn ya."


When Clint first stepped foot onto the floor that held his target, his heartbeat began to race so quickly that he actually felt a little bit dizzy and the sound of it bounding in his ears drowned out the voices of the hospital staff around him. He wasn't exactly sure why he was so terrified; if he said or did anything wrong, his plan was to turn and run in any other direction, and he thought it was a pretty solid plan. That was a plan that couldn't be screwed up; Steve and Tony's plan definitely was.

"Okay, calm down, Hawk," he whispered to himself, squaring his shoulders and giving the coat a little tug to straighten it out to be convincingly presentable. "Room 624...624..." he mumbled, creepily taking the first few steps with his eyes on each number plate by every room. When he realized that the rooms weren't set up in the order that he expected, he pulled out his phone to review the map that Tony had downloaded for him, but a voice startled him into dropping it onto the floor before he could see any of it.

"Can I help you find something, Doctor?"

"What?" he gasped a loud, the phone banging on the shiny tile floor with a bounce. "Oh, shit...I mean...I'm sorry," he stammered, grabbing the device quickly and shoving it back into his pocket. "Yeah, um...I'm looking for room 624."

"Why?" you asked, your voice turning not exactly suspicious, but cautious, and it wasn't lost on him in the least. "That's a restricted patient."

"I know, but...I've been asked to transfer him."

"On who's order?"

"Are you questioning my authority?"

"Yes. I thought that was fairly clear."

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