You Must Be Mistaken (Rogers x reader)

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I tried to write something without dialogue, just for something different.

Look at him. 

You couldn't help but admire the confidence in his walk as he exited the jet with the rest of the team, returning from their third successful mission in as many days.  The Steve Rogers that walked onto the quinjet before a mission was nothing like the Steve Rogers that would disembark; he could tell you that he hated leaving you, and that he was growing weary of the fight, but the way he carried himself now only solidified in your mind that he was exactly where he wanted to be. 

It was moments like this that pushed you into questioning your relationship with him, now more often than ever beginning to believe that you weren't worthy of someone so extraordinary. You wondered, if the choice had to be made, would Steve choose you, or would the shield always be the one at his side?

You gave Tony a quick hug to welcome him back as he passed by, nodding tentatively in agreement at his suggestion of yet another post-mission celebration in the lounge. Three nights in a row of a Tony Stark celebration was almost too much even for himself, but he had a self-inflicted reputation to uphold.  You would attend, of course, but really all you wanted was Steve, and to be reassured that this was nothing more than your mind torturing you again. 

Yeah, you were fantastic at tearing yourself down.

With a few final words to Clint, Steve was finally next to you, his arms enveloping you in a hug that forced the air from your chest in a huff, but you didn't care.  This was what you needed.  This was all it took to silence the self-doubt and the nagging questions. Steve would never lie to you, in neither words nor actions, but somehow you never quite believed him when he said that you were everything he wanted.  But this, feeling him wrap himself around you with a relief in his voice and his lips pressed against your skin, this was very convincing.


The steam from the hot shower felt refreshing on your skin, leaving a dewy mist over your face that actually made you look more awake than you felt.  You were putting the finishing touches on your makeup while Steve finished his shower, now beginning to fully regret agreeing to leave your room. Steve really didn't want to go either, but he wasn't one to let his team down, and Tony had the luck of asking him in the midst of his earlier good mood.

You and Steve had been together for almost two years now, but time hadn't diminished your reaction when you saw him pull the curtain back and exit the shower, passing behind you with a playful swat on your behind on his way to get dressed.  Your eyes followed him until he was out of sight, smiling to yourself at the idea that he was yours and you were his, despite the fact that it would sometimes require a little effort to convince even yourself.

When Tony brought you onto the team, Steve was the first person that he introduced you too; looking back it was clear that he had a plan all along.  Steve was intimidating at first, the picture of strength, honesty, heroism, and every other idealized description that had been forced on him since his first day as Captain America.  Even with his towering stature and all-American charm, he never bought into the public perception of himself.  Sure, he was a man of integrity like none other, but he was also uncertain of his decisions as a leader, a little bit temperamental when he didn't get his way, and shy when his emotions got the best of him.  Once he had trusted you with seeing this side of himself, there was no turning back.

You didn't mean to second-guess your worthiness to be with a man like Steve, but it had become so prevalent in your mind over the last few months that it was now an everyday worry. Nothing had happened to spur it on, and he hadn't said anything or acted any differently towards you, but it was there nonetheless.  Maybe it was the endless missions without a break, and having less time together now than ever only providing more stress.  Tony had told you time and again that you were being irrational, doing his best to convince you that he was right by goading Steve into complimenting you or professing his undying love with any chance he had, though it never seemed to take much effort.

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