The Asgardian's New Clothes (Thor/Rogers x reader)

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"Grab the popcorn!"

"Get it yourself!"

"Steeeeve," you whined, "I'm in the blanket already!"

"The blanket can be moved!" he yelled back from the kitchen, seeming suddenly immune from your best begging voice.

"But you're in the kitchen!"

You turned at the sound of dishes banging around in the room behind you, worried that you had actually managed to anger the normally placid Captain. It didn't seem like a big deal to ask him to grab one more thing, but apparently it had done nothing but incited a hissy fit. "Okay, I'll get it myself, you big baby!" Throwing the blanket from your finally warmed-up feet, you huffed and sat up in time to see him balancing everything in his arms and making his way towards you.

"No, stay there, I've got it," he smirked, but once looking up at you he stopped immediately with his smirk gone and replaced with a look of shock. "I thought that maybe just this once you'd get off your lazy...woah, that's not a blanket."

You looked down at the large red covering that you thought was a blanket, and held it up to your face for a closer inspection. It felt heavy enough in your hands and it was sure providing a great deal of warmth, so your confusion towards Steve was clearly evident. "It was on the couch, so I assumed..."

"That's Thor's cape, (Y/N)."

"No shit!"

"You'd better put that back where you found it before he gets home. I can't imagine that he'd be too happy with your messy butter fingers all over it." Steve pushed through the tight space between the couch and table in front of you, lining up the snacks he had brought in for your movie night. Once they were set up to his liking, he dropped himself onto the couch next to you, lifting your feet to rest over his legs and setting his bowl of chips on them. "Seriously, put it back."

"But it's so warm," you whined, giving him your best pout. "He's not here yet, and he doesn't need to know if you can keep your big mouth shut for once, Captain Honesty."



"Hmph, fine, leave it on," he scoffed, looking away indignantly. "You could use a good spanking with that attitude." You swore you could see a glimmer of mischief in his bright blue eyes, even as he watched the movie, and it almost gave you the desire to tempt fate just to see how he would react when Thor arrived. Steve talked a big game, but he had never followed through on a single threat.

"And who exactly thinks they could give me one? Hmm?"

Steve's cheeks quickly flushed and he turned to reply, undoubtedly something that he would try to convey with his perfect sarcasm, but you wouldn't be able to hear it before Thor stepped up behind you and stood, looking down at you with firmly crossed arms and a stern look.

"(Y/N), I must ask what you're doing with my clothing."

"Hey, T-Hammer," you smiled politely in contrast to the scowl he was giving you, "um, I thought your cape was a blanket. Sorry." Hurrying to pull your legs free from Steve's arms and the bowl that was resting on them, you pulled back before he could move and spilled his chips all over the bright red material. "Oops, my fault, sorry, sorry!" you gasped, hurrying to clean them up as Steve simply sat and watched with a wide grin. "You could help," you mumbled angrily under your breath, but he sat unmoving.

"I could. But I'm not gonna."

You scooted yourself onto the floor in front of him, pushing his legs aside and off of the table so that you could pass by to continue cleaning up, but his foot hooked his drink and it came crashing down over you, saturating your shirt. "You jerk, you did that on purpose," you growled, raising up with a fire in your eyes now. "You are such a little shit, Rogers."

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