Unmasked (Part 2) (dad!Tony/Rogers/Wilson x reader)

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Unmasked Part 1 is over in Book One, so you might need to pop over there to get caught up before this part (Y/N was previously taken by Hydra and programmed).  It was a requested part two, but I went a little overboard on the angst.  I WENT SUPER HEAVY GUYS, SO READ WITH CAUTION. This has an active shooter situation and character death, so if that might be a trigger or painful to read, maybe consider passing by. I WENT "Because of You" DARK, sorry about that.

5 Years Later

"Did you hear that?" you leaned in closer to Steve, feeling a sense of relief when his arm tightened around your waist in response. "I swear I heard someone behind me."

"Hmm?" Steve hummed absentmindedly in reply, giving you only a part of his attentions while the majority had been given to whatever it was that Sam was talking to him about. It was likely the story of another girl who rejected him in line at the bank, or how it should be unethical somehow to give an Avenger a parking ticket.

"Nothing, sorry. I must be hearing things," you shook your curiosity away, but the nagging feeling of uncertainty was left behind, and it wasn't a feeling that you particularly enjoyed. Your mind was drawn from the moment, urging you to look around the room to find Tony; to connect with your dad as your grounding point. Not that being next to Steve wasn't the safest place that you could be, but ever since Tony had been the one to find you years ago, your connection to him had become stronger than ever.

"Maybe it's time to cut you off," Sam smiled, reaching for your drink, but you pulled back and away.

"Maybe you should keep your hands to yourself."

"Yeah, man, hands off my girl," Steve joined in, turning you farther from his friend's focus. When your weight shifted, his arm wrapped tighter around your waist when he felt a change in your posture and the tremor building in your body under his grip. Your stomach was tied into knots and your heart was racing, but you had no idea why; you were on the verge of panic and you had no idea what was precipitating it. "Hey, what's going on? You're shaking."

"I don't know, my heart just started racing. Have you seen Dad?"

Steve turned and gave Sam a curt nod towards the crowd, his expression now clear of the joviality that filled it only a few seconds before. "Sam, go." He set his drink down, slowly taking yours from your hand and setting it on the bar top without his eyes ever leaving you; his proximity and towering stance over you should have been enough to keep you protected from whatever or whoever was doing this to you, but it could never have been enough. Your mind jarred when you barely caught the sound of a voice in your mind again, only this time, they broke through.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N), what's going on?" Steve asked urgently, his free hand reaching up to lift your chin so that he could see your eyes. He was putting too much of his focus on this, however, leaving himself open and not watching the room around him. Since the day that the two of you decided to pursue this relationship, he committed himself as your protector, not only for his own comfort but also because Tony wouldn't allow him near you any other way. His most noble characteristic could become his downfall, but he never expected it to be by your hand.

Your movements were so subtle and so methodical that he didn't see that you had reached out to the bar to secure your weapon of choice; he didn't see you pull back and prepare for the attack, but if he had, he still may have been too late.

"(Y/N)..." he hissed through clenched teeth, the pain of your knife impaling into his side taking his breath away. You were cruel in your action, so unlike the real you, pushing the blade in slowly and calmly as if it were the most common thing for you to do as you watched him begin to falter. The choice of site wasn't hastily made, and would cause the most damage as quickly as possible. His arm was still around you as his pain blinded him and his blood began to soak your clothing; when he looked at you now, his eyes were not only filled with pain, but with confusion and regret that he hadn't protected you. "(Y/N)...I'm...I'm sorry..."

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