I'm the Boss (Lang x reader)

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"I'm the boss, I'm the boss, I'm the BOSS!" Scott yelled out as he leapt onto Rhodey's suit, holding on for his life with one arm while carefully adjusting his regulator to deliver the surprise that no one would ever expect. You heard his groan from your position on the far side of the tarmac from him, but before you could comprehend the noise, the shadow that he was suddenly casting over you told you exactly what was happening.

"Okay, tiny dude is big now. He's big now."

"This isn't gonna end well," you muttered, doing your best to focus on both the rapid swings from Hawkeye's bow aimed your way and the explosions growing behind you from the man who could now toss an entire truck at you or rip the wing from an airplane if he were challenged enough.

"(Y/N)," Tony called out to you, "you don't happen to have any tricks on how to stop your freak show boyfriend, do ya?"

"No! I didn't even know he could do that!"

"I've read that communication is the key to success in a relationship," he offered with a dark chuckle, "but I'm probably the last person you should take that advice from. Seriously though, can you threaten to withhold sex or something?"

You cursed under your breath when Steve and Bucky ran past, just behind Barton and around behind Scott before leaving your sight again. Clint was tenacious and aggressive like you hadn't seen from him in any battle before; if he was this driven, there had to be something really important at stake for what they were trying to do. If Scott hadn't have just thrown a freaking bus at Vision, you might have taken the time to ask.

"You wanna get to them, you gotta go through me," came his booming voice from high above as he kicked his foot out at T'Challa, taking a full line of pallets and cargo with it to knock the King to the ground.

"(Y/N), I'm gonna need you to get in there," Tony commanded, this time his voice free of any humor, "use your scary girlfriend voice or give him that look you use when you're pissed."

"Easy for you to say, Stark, you can fly," you grunted into your comm, finally landing a strike that knocked your opponent to the hard ground, giving you time to flee, "some of us mortals have to worry about getting stepped on." You spun and looked up at the massive version of Scott, wondering how you would ever get his attention, much less how you would be able to talk him out of holding this form of himself; it had to be horribly stressful on his body. You scanned the area around you and found a luggage truck only a few feet in front of him. Breaking into a sprint, you climbed atop the structure and waited for him to turn towards you, holding your breath unconsciously until he finally looked down long enough to see you there.

"(Y/N), don't try anything," he warned, reaching for you, but missing when you jumped to the ground. "Don't do anything that you might regret." His giant hand knocked the cart onto its side when he hit it, leaving you to roll to safety just in time before you were trapped beneath it.

"Scott, you need to stop. How long can you hold that before you hurt yourself?"

"I have to until Cap and Bucky are clear," he replied quietly, though his voice still echoed. "I have a job to do, (Y/N)."

"Yeah, well, so do I," you groaned quietly, waiting to hear the now-familiar sounds of webs slinging over head so that you could make your move. When the new guy finally appeared, you took your opportunity. "Hey, crime fighting spider! A little help?" You raised your hand and waited for only a matter of seconds before he grabbed it on the fly past, lifting you with a remarkable ease.

"Where to?"


"Are you kidding?" he gasped, connecting a new web to Scott's back, unbeknownst to him. "You're gonna get yourself killed."

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