Fire and Ice (Barnes x reader)

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This wasn't the first time that you had stood face-to-face with Captain Steve Rogers, though it was much more civil than you had remembered in the past. Hydra had given him a very memorable introduction to you when your power of pyrokinesis had cost him his uniform and a fair amount of modesty, and in return, he had given you a scar that ran across the full width of your chest; a lifelong reminder of just how hard he could throw.

This time it was different as you faced him; he wasn't armed and you weren't there to attack. It was the first time that the two of you were on the same side, and to say that it was disconcerting to him was an understatement. You were there to ask for his help, and that of his best friend, who he had just gotten back; he was fiercely protective of Bucky, and to have you of all people in front of him now with the determination to get through him left him standing just a little bit taller.

"I need to see him."


"Capt-...Steve," you sighed, overly cautious in keeping your hands lowered to your sides, "I wouldn't come here if it wasn't important, believe me. I wouldn't risk walking up to the Avengers' front door if it wasn't life or death." The urge to lash out and fight him was still strong inside of you, your nerves buzzing with the anticipation of a fight, and what a fight it would be; some of your best battles were hand-to-hand with the Captain.

"He's not the Soldier anymore, if that's who you're looking for, (Y/N). He's gone."

"I don't know who I expect to find, honestly. I only know that I need his help. He may be the only one who can help me."

"Why?" he asked plainly, taking another step forward with his arms crossed tightly over his chest. He towered over you, looking down with intense eyes and almost a sneer as he spoke, as if he wanted you to challenge him. "Make me believe it."

Oh, if it had been under any other circumstances, how you would have loved to take him up on it. You hadn't been in a challenging fight in quite some time, and he would definitely meet the need to break a few bones. But now wasn't the time, and you had to keep your focus if you were going to get anywhere near Bucky.

"Our son is in danger."

"What...?" he gasped, taking a step back in utter shock and dropping his stiff posture. "(Y/N)...your son?"

"What did you just say?"

You sucked in a harsh breath at the sight of him when he stepped out from the shadows, having had been there the entire time as Steve held you at bay. His features were the same for the most part; the stubble across his chin and cheeks, the untamed hair that was just a bit shorter than you remembered, and of course, the arm. But in all of that, it was his eyes that shocked you into immobility; they were brighter and alive now, even in this moment when you had shaken him to the core. When they looked back at you, you dared to believe that there was a warmth of recognition and memory behind their color.

"Our son is being hunted by Hydra, and I need help to protect him."

"Son?" he asked quietly, casting his gaze away as the memories tried to replay in his mind.

"Yes, and I'm sorry that I didn't tell you before, but I can't do this alone."

"Well, you're gonna have to," he scoffed, turning away with a quick change of demeanor and deflection, "I didn't even know he existed, so no loss to me."

"Buck, come on, man," Steve interjected, taking his arm in hand to stop him, "you're not serious?"

"This is my serious it not coming across the right way?"

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