Get a Room (Rogers/Avengers x reader)

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"Okay, remember, our biggest goal tonight is to keep you away from Tony," Steve cautioned, standing with you on the sidewalk in front of the tower. Your fingers were intertwined tightly with his, squeezing harder with each step you took closer. "Hey, you're shaking. You okay?"

"Am I?" You looked up at the massive building before you, feeling a little vertiginous at the height of it. Stumbling back on your footing just a bit, you looked back down and quickly closed your eyes to regain your center and to give yourself another moment to gain some composure from your growing nerves.

"Don't worry, doll. They're going to love you just as much as I do."

" love me?" You stammered over your words, but suddenly the vertigo and uneasiness were gone.

A wide smile crossed Steve's lips and he turned to look at you face-to-face, taking both of your hands in his now, "Yes, of course I do. Haven't I ever said that before?"

"Nope," you whispered, slightly in shock, "that was the first time you've said that."

"Well then, I must be a terrible boyfriend. Why do you put up with me?"

"Probably because I love you too," you smiled, pushing up on your tip toes for a quick kiss. "And because I love you so much, I'm going in." He held the door open and waved you inside, with a gentlemanly bow as you passed by, gently pressing his hand against the curve of your back to lead you towards the elevator.

"Stay away from Tony, stay away from Tony," you mumbled under your breath with a curt nod of agreement as the lift doors closed to take you to your first Avengers after-mission party.


"Hey, I'm Tony."

When the doors opened, there he was; a wide smile, a hint of mischief, and his hand out and ready to take yours. He looked unassuming enough, not nearly the problem that Steve had made him out to be. "Hi, I'm (Y/N). Pleasure to meet you." When he took your hand, he brought it to his lips, then wrapped it around his arm to lead you into the waiting group.

"Now that formalities are out of the way, let's meet the gang, shall we?" he pulled you from Steve's grip, ignoring your boyfriend's grumbling and hushed requests to leave you at his side. As you expected, he followed behind the two of you, much to Tony's chagrin. "Cap, you don't have to follow like a lost puppy. You know your way around."

"But that's my girlfriend," he mumbled in reply, seeing Sam across the room and hurrying to get him to help and pointing back towards you as he arrived. "Sam, Tony took (Y/N)."

"And?" he simply laughed in reply. He tipped his glass back and took the last of his drink, pausing to let the flavor sit on his tongue for a moment as he regarded his friend. "You're scared."

"Am not."

"You are," Sam gasped, poking Steve teasingly in the arm. "Would ya look at this turn of events? I never thought I'd see the day. Captain Chickenshit."

"Well, that's uncalled for," Steve huffed, turning back to watch you. Tony had taken you to the bar to refill his drink and get one for you before making his way towards Clint and Nat. "I was supposed to do the introductions and he just...took her."

"Come on, man, you know that Stark's not the kind of guy to steal your girl, so calm down. What's the worst that could happen?"

"Yeah, I suppose you're right," Steve sighed, his eyes never leaving you as he spoke, "it's just...ugh, I just don't want anything to mess this up. I can see this being...she could be..." he stopped, coyly running a hand through his already-messy hair. "I know, I know, I'm being an idiot."

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