What Did I Miss? (Rogers x reader)

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You could hear you phone ringing from the solitude of your shower, but it was the first few minutes that you had been given since returning from your last mission, and you would be damned if you were going to be interrupted now.

Not even ten seconds after it had stopped, it began again, and now you felt the pangs of anxiety, knowing that something so persistent had to be coming from Nick. You hurried to finish your shower, barely rinsing the soap from your body and the shampoo from your hair before scurrying to your room to see what was so imperative, but a knock on your door came before you could look.

"Agent (Y/L/N), open the door, it's urgent."

"Clearly," you hissed, swinging the door open wide to see Nick peering in at you, but snickering as he pushed his way into your room and past your towel-clad form. "The dress code really has tanked around here, hasn't it? You know, when I call, I expect to get an answer, (Y/N)."

"You also expect us to not smell like a week underground without the luxury of clean water. It's called a shower, Nick. I'm entitled to at least that much before you send me out again." Kicking the door closed with your foot, you pulled the towel from your hair and began to dry it, watching him pull out his tablet and retrieve the information for your next task.

"We've made a pretty big discovery in the Arctic, and I'm not sure how you're gonna take it. You're the only person I want leading this job."

"Okay, you've got my curiosity," you grabbed the tablet from him, your eyes immediately widening at the sight on its screen. "You're kidding. This is some kind of a joke, right? Nick, tell me this is a joke."

"Sweetheart, do I look like I'm laughing?"


Steve Rogers was completely alone in this time, spinning around as he stood at the corner of 46th and Broadway in New York City, confused at the sights and sounds that surrounded him, completely different from the world he knew seemingly only moments ago. The city had always been loud and alive, but this was on another level. He recognized the street names and several of the buildings were the same, but the skyline was foreign to him now, as was the man standing before him, telling him that he was still home; that he had somehow survived the crash that was meant to save the city and meant to kill him in the process.

"You've been asleep, Cap. For almost 70 years," Nick said, watching Steve cautiously for any sudden reaction, not knowing what such a long time in stasis might do to the man's mind, and what this realization could do to his emotions. You stood behind Nick, waiting for Steve to say something, anything, that would tell you what kind of man he had woken up to be.

"Captain," you approached quietly, "my name is (Y/N), and I'm here to assist you with your re-entry as much as I can. Are you going to be okay?"

"Yeah," he sighed, "it's just...I had a date." He looked once more at the city around him before turning back to you, his attention quickly focused on your face, studying it now that he was coming to realization of what happened. "You look familiar. Do I know you?"

"That would be impossible, sir. Given the amount of time that you were under."

"Right. Of course." He continued to watch you intently as you led him to the waiting vehicle and as you strapped into the seat next to him. "But you still look really familiar to me. Did I know someone in your family?"

"I'm not sure, Captain. We can look into that in good time," you smiled, turning to look away from his continued stare. "Right now we need to get you to SHIELD and get you caught up."

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