Chapter 3

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Darkness. Fire. Heat. Burn....and pain and pain and oh so much pain.

"Avery where are you?" I heard a faint voice call.


"Avery" the voice got louder "can you hear me?"

Yeah I'm here please take the pain away

"Welcome to your new world.... new Avery....Avery...Jay" velvet whispered  in my head

Blackness, cold, hurt, no not hurt, more like agony and then pain....... again.

Layla POV

It was Sunday early in the morning I woke up with a start and very exited, today I would hang out with Leo.

Pictures of Avery's hurt expression filled my mind, I knew I had hurt my best friend but I was to selfish then to deny my interest in Leo for her.

My phone rang and I looked at the ID, it was Avery's mom

Oh man will she be mad at me?

"Hello?" I answered

"Hey Layla how are you?" She sounded out of breath.

"I'm fine Mrs. Young and you?"

"Do you know where Avery is?" She asked her voice thick with worry.

"Uhm no is she not home?" I wondered.

" You don't know?" She almost yelled I nearly jumped at her loud voice

"No Mrs. Young what's wrong?"

"Yesterday we came home late at night and I assumed she was sleeping, so today I went to check in her room and I can't find her, she's not in the house and I can't call her either, I was hoping you would know" Mrs. Young said, close to tears.

"Don't worry I'll be there soon we will find her maybe she just went of for a morning run" I said trying to hide my worry.

"But why can't I call her, there are not service breaks very often"

"I don't know, but I'm sure We will find her, I'll be there as soon as I can, maybe she went into the forest" I tried my best to help her calm down.

"But my husband already went looking for her she's didn't answer to any of his calling her."

Now I was really beginning to worry this didn't sound like Avery, I wondered if she was acting this up cuz of my date with her crush, but no that didn't sound like Avery either.

"Mrs. Young I'll be there soon" I said and hung up the phone.

Avery POV

This wasn't me. I felt different. I felt numb. I felt strange. I felt cold. I felt dead.

Am I dead?

No dead people don't have pain.

I wanted to open my eyes but they hurt so bad it felt as if I would open my eyes, they would burn to ashes.

I felt heat in my whole body not just normal warmth this was flames rippling through me from head to toe.

My eyes fluttered open.


So bright everything was so bright.
I moved my left hand. I was laying on the forest floor. I moved my right hand.
It was so hot!

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