Chapter 4

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"She's been bitten"they said mutually

"What" I tried to yell but It came out as a whisper. I had no idea what they where talking about.

Nobody answered me and I got irritated. The grip had loosened and I broke free and ran ahead, my legs where shaky and I was dizzy but I kept going.
Suddenly I saw something dark in front of me and before I was able to stop, I smashed into it. It was softer than I expected, I looked up, it was the first guys chest.

"Get away from me" I croaked.

"Bring her with us", I heard the third guy say.

"No, no I'm not coming with you" I yelled hoarsly.

The guy that held me seemed annoyed and was looking at the third guy which I assumed was the leader of the three.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw the leader give a nod and then a big gloved fist came flying towards me. It connected with my face; crackles of pain shot through my nose and upper lip I heard myself groan as I went for the ground but I never hit it.

Layla POV

I expected my date with Leo to be different.
Now it was him and me running through the forest yelling Avery's name every now and then.

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As soon as I had told him that Avery was missing he had agreed to help searching for her.
He had come to the Young's house and together we had gone into the forest.

The small cave was the first thing I went to check but I found nothing in there.

By noon the Young's had decided to alert the police and now five officers with dogs, the Young's and us where all in search for Avery.

Deep in my mind I was mad at her for wandering of like that and for ruining my day but I was also worried sick about her.

"Avery" Leo's call broke off my thoughts.

"You know what, if she was here we would have found her by now or at least traces of her, its not like her, to just run of like this," I said tired of calling her name or hearing Leo call it.

"You're right, if not even the police has found her she's not here."

"Sshh" I hushed him "do you hear that?
We listened, a faint cell phone chime was audible.

"It's a phone" Leo whispered.
I looked at him with big eyes

"It's Avery's ringtone."

We bolted in the direction of the sound but suddenly it was gone.
"Somebody tried to call her" Leo said "quick dial again."

I grabbed my phone and in my hurry I fumed with my password finally I was able to call, and there it was again, this time closer.

We walked towards the sound and I heard as it got louder. We looked again and there it was, on the ground a few meters left from us.

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