Chapter 15

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Viola. update cuz of the long wait!! Thanks to this song my writers block went away!

I just have to say my readers are silent!


I knew I had to get away from Layla or I would bite her, the urge was to strong than for me to fight it.
I hadn't fed in to long, I was trying to be as human as possible. But pushing her away now would hurt her, I knew that.

Suddenly she backed away and wore a guilty expression. I forced my fangs back and thank heaven my eyes returned to their normal color, drinking as little blood as possible gave me the chance to have a human eye color.

"Leo", she said quietly "I shouldn't do this."

My chest tightened. "Why", my voice was a mere whisper, if she rejected me I would go crazy.

"Avery", was her answer "she's missing, and God knows where, and here I am kissing the boy she wants."

I gulped, "What?"

"Ever since you came into our school, she's had a crush on you, well a lot of girls have but she is my best friend. I should respect that."

"But....I want you." 'Oh way to go' I told myself sarcastically.

It took me by surprise that Avery would want me too, I could always sense the longing looks many girls gave me but from her I had never felt anything.

"She dreamed about you day and night, when I told her that you had asked me out, she looked so hurt, I hate to know that we parted on those terms."

I took her hands in mine and squeezed them, "Lay she didn't run away because of that, she is smarter than to do such a thing."

"I know, but happened?"

"We will find her", a single tear escaped her hazel eyes and I took her in my arms again.

"Oh Leo I know this will sound mighty selfishly, but I'm so happy you are here", she sobbed into my chest. My arms wrapped tightly around her and I felt satisfied.



As I made my way home I took the long way which led through the forest. I had to find some blood or I couldn't control myself around Layla.

It wasn't hard to find prey in this plentiful forest, soon I was sipping away on a sweet gazelle in my arms. I was about finished when suddenly I was attacked from behind.

Having regained new energy from the blood, I flung the body of me but then I froze as I saw who it was.

No way did I dare to get in trouble with Sir Castors men.

A second man joined the first one pointing a stake launcher at me.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?", barked the first .

"Im Leo Baxter, and I live in the town as an average teenage boy going to school, I swear I keep a low profile and nobody knows about me." I could not get in trouble with these people that would put my life in danger and I had just found my mate.

"Where do you belong to", the second man asked.

"No one, I was banned from the Silver Blade coven in the west for mingling with humans" I cringed, either they would shoot me now or ask further questions. Most of the vampires hated the idea of mingling with humans.

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