Chapter 40

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'Monster' - Imagine Dragons

Jeez 40 chapters already do you think it's to long.... and there's more to come yet...
Please enjoy!!!


Avery's POV

A day had passed and I hadn't heard from the king or anyone else since I told him about my dream. I was happy to finally know what language they where speaking and where everything started. 


I would have never thought about that and then again why should I have.
It was a country I had never heard about much and only knew that it dated back far in time.

Suddenly I heard a scream not to far away and sat up in my bed since I had been laying down.

Another scream sounded, this time it was closer.

'What is going on?'

Sombody was shouting something and then somebody yelled back.
I knew that voice, it belonged to the prince.

After another scream hollered through the hall not far now, I jumped out of the bed and tried to calm my breathing to listen, leaning against the nightstand.

All of a sudden my door swung upon with full force and I gasped at the sight.

The prince was standing there, his eyes diluted into scarlet and blood covering most of his clothes, it was even dried on his face and other exposed skin.

I had never seen anything like it. He looked like a monster a cold blooded beast that had come from a killing spree.

"You are staring," his husky voice traveled across the room and I snapped my head downward instantly.

He stepped inside the room and slammed the door shut. The boom was loud enough to make me wince.

I wanted to see where he was and try to read his expression but I didn't dare, couldn't dare. He was obviously in a dangerous mood, one I didn't want to risk irritating further.

I only heard the steps as he came closer and how his breath was heavy but I didn't know he was that close; my head flung to the side as he slapped me full force on the cheek.

I kept my head down not allowing him to see the hurt in my eyes, or the hurt in my heart, or the pain all over my body. His madness seemed to ignite the wound on my neck.

No, I was stronger than that, I would not let him see it; he already saw me as weak, pathetic and out of place.

"Look at me," he growled menacingly. 

I kept my head down and I literally felt his fury radiating off him.

An iron hand wrapped around my throat and it lifted my head, but before my eyes made contact with his face I closed them.

"Human", he spat, "I said look at me." his voice was dangerously low.

I knew he was playing a game with me, I had done it once and I had payed for it.

The grip around my throat tightened and it became difficult to breath.

"Look at me", His voice had turned into a seducing velvety whisper. "I know you want to."

My soul tugged at my heart, while it was crying silent tears which I sealed in the deepest abyss of my being.

"I said look at me", his dominant but perfect voice purred close to my ear.

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