Chapter 55

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Avery's POV

Dark circles swirled before my eyes, sometimes they would grow bigger and other times they would get so tiny that it all swam into a mash of blackness. All in all what they did was make my mind dizzy so much that the sense of claustrophobia would grow so strong that I screamed loudly.

It was all in my mind though, just like when Azalea had been inside my spirit body, I would scream and yell but it didn't come out. 

Sometimes I would be motionless not moving at all, next time I was tossed and thrown all over the place. There would be soft and soothing music in my ears and then suddenly a raw disturbing beat was drumming in my ears.

After a while I began to distinguish the moments; The calm moments was my body dying and the rough moments was my body fighting to survive.  I also noticed the rough moments where much lesser.

It was so easy to just let it all be, to relish in the softness when it felt like I weighed less than a feather but it would be interrupted by loud thunder and disastrous noises. I tried to get away from it as fast as possible but every now and then it would come anyhow.

Suddenly everything went still, not even the soothing sound was there, it was utter and complete silence.

Yea that was something I could live with, the silence, it was so precious.

Darkness surrounded me and if felt like it was consuming me, it didn't bother me no I liked it. It felt relieving, it dragged me deeper and deeper.

I waited for the moment until I would just be gone.


I heard it before I saw it, it was a light flashing in the darkness disturbing my silence. Soon I realized it was after me trying to catch up.

Disgruntled that I was being disturbed I focused on what it was.

It smelled and looked utterly mundane, human.

No, no the last thing I needed was something that had to do with living and people. I wanted to be free and away from every depressing matter; I wanted to be gone from everything that was mundane.

The light that followed me suddenly zig zagged in front of me and slammed into my shoulder. As soon as the hit ebbed away, I felt it.

I felt human again.

'Who sent that light?'

My thoughts where interrupted by a quere pull, it started at my feet dragging me upside down and now instead of sinking deeper like I had been it was pulling me up. My head began to swirl in a million circles and something that I despised so much and had not been able to feel was beginning to embed itself deep inside of me: pain.

A fire spread through my limbs in a fast rush almost to fast to cause any real damage but slow enough to awaken every muscle and nerve.

Disappointment came with the rush of fire, I was being brought back, back to where everything was just pain, lies and deceivement.

In an instant all was still but not for long because something kept pulling at me urging me to wake up.

'No, I dont want to wake up.'

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