Chapter 33

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WRITERS BLOCK GO AWAY! (yells and waves with arms)

Sorry guys but I had to let you know somehow that I'm not very happy at the moment!

Hope its still something you can enjoy!

Avery's POV

'I am....' , the voice trailed off and I let the air leave my lungs that had been in there for too long.

"Who are you?" I asked quietly.

'I am....'

"Jeez I know how it feels to not be able to say ones name, is that right?", I said with a lopsided grin on my face.

'Yes', the books voice said.

"Where are you trapped?"

'In a spell'

"Talk to me," I urged the voice.

It was quiet and nobody talked.

"Can you ear me?"

'Yes', the voice whispered solemnly.

"Then explain yourself."

I waited but no one responded.

"Who casted the spell?" I began asking again.

'Witch', came the quiet answer.

"Yes I know that,but who is the witch."

No answer again.

"Why did she trap you?"

'Hate me'

I nodded my head as if she could see me.

'How do you know I don't hate you?"

'You're a good girl with a good heart

I scoffed and went on.

"What can release you out of this?" Apparently she was only answering questions but it was good enough for me because I had many of them.


"But you said save me."

'You did, you talked to me.'

 I grimaced.

"So theres nothing or no one?" I asked again.

'He died long ago'

"What? Who's he?"

'The person that could save me is long dead'

Suddenly it hit me  and I couldnt resist asking:

"Is this your book?"

Everything was quiet.

'Yes' A thin voice spoke.

I sprang out of bed and clutched the book to my chest.

"Azalea", I screeched.

Suddenly the book disappeared in front of me and then I knew why.

"Avery", Floras voice seemed louder then usual.

My brows furrowed at the sight of Flora's scared expression.

"Whats wrong?", I instantly asked.

She didn't say anything and only kept staring at me.

"What is it?" I urged.

"They...are coming for you," her voice was merely above a whisper.

"What? Who is?" I hated her scared demeanor.

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