Chapter 61

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Hello lovelies, hope you enjoy this:)

Prince Elíans POV

As fast as my vampire speed allowed and I was tempted to use witchcraft as well, I flashed towards the castle.

Standing on the ground, I jumped onto the balcony I had come out some time ago. As I stormed into Avery's room my blood ran cold.

Because Avery's blood was cold.

My eyes flashed up to look at Kyros who was looking at me intently.
My frustration only grew as he didn't say anything and I hurried to Avery's bed but before I touched her, my hand stayed stuck mid air.

I looked at Kyros again, this time I had the urge to wipe the bloody smirk of his face with a streak.

"Happy new year prince," he drawled in greek. "She is turning."

I let out a shaky breath, what was even wrong with me?
Since when did I get shaky breaths because of a human?

'A human not so human anymore.'

The thought jolted me back to reality  and I stared at Avery's face. There was no difference to see but I noticed the shift in the air.

There was something different, something new.

"How long will it be?" I asked my voice a mix of something...funny.

"I have no clue, a human has never been turned to a vampire and a witch at the same time before." Kyros's eyes shone with something distinct.

What he said made sense, but if she would die I would kill him.

"And now?" I asked already knowing his answer.

"Now we wait."

 I scoffed at his answer.

He ignored me and went on, "Now is the part where its crucial. Her body is so weak there is a wide possibility it will just shut down."

I wanted to check Avery completely over, I wanted to see if she was alright but Kyros was staring at me and I knew he was testing my every reaction.

My face was set cold and I let my eyes look straight out not focusing on anything particular. I wasn't about to lose my wits in front of this man. Oh no that was the last thing that would happen, I would show him that  I would stay and remain the same man I had been.

For a while none of us spoke a word and I still felt Kyros's eyes on me as if looking at me would allow him to look through me, maybe he was, what he was really capable of I had no idea but I knew that entering my mind would take more than simply staring at me.

"When you told Athena to leave and called her a dead witch, was that really  her?" I asked my voice monotone.

A flicker of irritation crossed his features but it was gone soon.

"No, I was talking to Valiria, she had taken control over Athena's body with her spirit." His voice was just as cold.

"You told her to go to the other witches that you had killed, what witches?" It was time to get answers.

His eyes never left mine, "The day Azalea got attacked, it wasn't Valiria alone, she had a lot of help but  by the time I killed the others Valiria had managed to escape."

I was shocked, so he was the reason we had found a pile of foreign dead witches, never knowing where they came from or who had killed them.

"Why'd you kill them, weren't you mad at Azalea either way because she killed you?"

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