Chapter 12

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Sorry for any grammatical errors.


Sir Castor POV

Today I would try to enter Averys mind again. I had let her rest for a day and I didnt want to wait any longer.
I was sure it would work this time.
Rayne was a powerful witch she had to make it this time.

My cell phone chimed and it was Rayne,"Hello"

"So today you want to try again?" Rayne cut straight to the point.

"Yes, I have to find out whats going on."
"Did you at least feed her?"

"Yeah we did."

"Good I will be there soon."

She hung up after that and I went to check on the girl. I knew she had a name but for me she still was just the girl.
I my opinion she didn't deserve to have a name. I felt like just killing her, she took up time I didn't have to spend on. And it brought me nowhere closer to finding what I needed to know.

I heard the front doors open and I wondered who it might be.
Suddenly Seline came into the room.
She looked furious.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me about her?"

She came to a stop in front of me.

"Tell you about who?"

"Castor don't play innocent." She stepped closer.

I knew she would be mad at me for not telling her, it was her duty as well as mine to keep the territory around here safe from wayward vampires.
She was assigned by the king to work with me.

Initially she was to be my wife but then she had found that Gabe was her mate and she didn't want to break the mate bond.

"I wanted to figure her out before telling you." I said quietly.

"And how much luck have you had?" She raised her eyebrow.

"None" I mumbled.

In that moment Rayne entered the room and looked surprised.

"Seline," she exclaimed.

Seline wasn't very fond of her but she tried to be nice.

"Rayne,"she mumbled politely "what are you doing here?"

"She's helping me with the girl" I said quickly "we want to see if we can see her memories and get a hint on who bit her."

The two women stared at each other and seemed to come to some sort of peace.

"Alright", Seline smiled for the first time "but let me meet her first."

"Fine follow me" I said unknow of why she wanted to meet her. She cut me off before I could go on .

"I know the way" she smirked "A human is hard to miss in a vampire house."

Seline was quite fond of humans ever since she discovered her mate was one. She claimed they where entertaining.

Avery POV

I lay on my back and stared at the dungeon ceiling, I felt better then ever since I had come here first, physically.
Emotionally? I was a wreck. Being in the same room for five days wasn't something I enjoyed to do. It made me think of people who spent their whole lives in jail because of a crime they had committed. But I wasn't a criminal I was a normal teenage girl.

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