Chapter 21

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Avery's POV

My body shook with shivers uncontrollably; the cold was embedded deep into my bones.

Many days had passed since my abduction or that's what I called it.
It had been middle November and now I had no idea if we were in December by now but it seemed so cold or maybe it was just me in my weak state.

In the back of my mind I wished the steady burn to come back, but since I had been taken to the king's dungeon which was due to my counting around 10 days ago, it hadn't come back.

Therefor icy shivers had wrapped themselves around me.

Food and water had been brought to me twice a day.
And a small tub met my needs.

I spent my time lying or sitting on the cold stone floor. My hands were bound and weren't even taken of to eat.

'A dog a mere dog, that's how I get treated. Even worse most dogs have it better than me.'

I often wondered about the velvety voice that had called me Gatáki, I had heard it before that was for certain. But who was it? Why had he talked to me and given me commands. Why wasn't he talking to me now when I was miserable?

Suddenly a dark and hooded silhouette stood in front of my cell door. But she didn't surprise me anymore. She had come every day and would chant some foreign words at me. I assumed she was a witch.

The first day I had asked what she was doing and she had hissed in a discrete tone for me to shut up. 

Today a few seconds after she had started her chant I heard a sound it seemed to come from every corner of the dungeon and yet from the furthest edges of the world.

It gushed into my cell room wrapping me in a wind which blew forcefully around me and I had trouble staying on my feet. The wind seemed to whisper but I wasn't able to understand what it was saying.

The witch chanted louder now, her voice trying to cover the loud noise of the wind, the louder she spoke the louder the wind blew, my hair was whipping back and forth, my loose top fluttered around me.

"Na lávei pnévma tis" the witch screamed. 

A sudden wind gush blew against my chest and I stumbled and fell. And just like that the wind died down and the witch had stopped her words. I couldn't understand her but it sounded like a language. 

She stood there for a while and was what I thought watching me, but her face was hidden I wasn't sure.

"Guard", she called.

The guard made his way towards my cell. 

"Make sure she drinks this." My eyes snapped towards her hand and she was holding a similar vial to what Rayne had given me filled with a clear liquid. The guard nodded and said: "Of course miss."

I snickered, 'No not of course miss. I won't drink that shit.'

The guard stepped inside my cell and came towards me. I didn't move away I knew it wouldn't help. Once he was close he grabbed my chin and dug his fingers into my cheek.

"Open your mouth."

'You could at least ask nicely'

His fingers dug further into my flesh and he opened my mouth forcefully. Then he lifted the vial to my lips and popped it open with his thumb. The clear liquid was bitter and burned my tongue but I didnt swallow.

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