Chapter 45

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Prince Elían's POV

I was holding her.

Just like that. She was pressed against me and my arms were around her.

Why? Why did I allow it?

I had no idea and to top it off I did not feel the urge to kill her rather then to protect her.

I wanted to kiss her, I wanted to trace her lips with my tongue I wanted to hold her and discover her body.
I wanted to bite her neck, put my venom in her and make her mine.

'Only mine'

The urge was foreign, but there.

Her hurt voice echoed in my head, how she had told me to finish her off. I had wanted to do nothing more then drink her dry.

What had happened to that? What had changed my mind?

I tensed up when I felt her head move. Slowly she lifted her eyes and stared into mine. Her hand liften and she placed it on my cheek. What was she doing?

My eyes closed but only for a moment before I started leaning towards her, her eyes widened while I wondered what the hell I was doing.

I was only inches away, I felt her warm breath.

Her lips were rosy.

Her nervousness and uneasiness was obvious and it bothered me to the out most. I wanted her to succumb to me, I wanted her under my control.

Avery's eyes closed and she waited, she was waiting for my move but I was frozen in place.

Did I really want to kiss a human girl, this human girl?

Suddenly I was distracted by a pair of footsteps that came closer and closer. I jumped backwards of the bed and turned for the door but not before I saw Avery rip her eyes open and gasp before she landed face down onto the mattress.

I cringed at the sound of her yelp at the force, she was weak and not apt for a sudden movement like that. It must have hurt her.

I was busy though flashing out of the room and met the owner of the footsteps, it was my father.

"Elían, I was looking for you we need to make plans." His voice was sinister. "Let's go to the office."

I was not in the mood to talk kingdom problems but I didn't have much of a choice.

The image of sad blue eyes flashed before my eyes.

I followed my father into his office and he went behind his desk.

"Elían, something is happening." He bent down and retrieved something from a drawer in his desk.
I sucked my breath as I saw what he was holding.

It was a piece of my mother dress she had worn. The same dress I had seen her in at the lake, the same dress she had worn the last day she was with us.

"What is this doing in the middle of the castle grounds?" My father's voice was low.

Again Avery's eyes flashed before me, they were begging.

"I don't know," the words slipped out of my mouth without a thought.

'I wanted to kiss her.'

"Elían what is with you, are you even listening to me?' My dad asked with a warning tone.

Avery's perfect lips crossed my mind and I inwardly groaned, I had wanted to taste them.

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