Chapter 69

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WARNING: This will be the last chapter of this book followed by an Epilogue.

Third person's POV

Three months later.

After Azalea's homecoming the kingdom felt like it was back on track from being lost. The vampire covens around the world breathed a sigh of relief to hear that the lost and thought dead queen was found and very much alive.

King Lathan's hard set heart softened for her when she as much as lifted a finger and everybody knew that going to the queen with a request was more likely to become fruitful then if going to the king.

The brothers had gone back to where they resided, no one really knew where it was as the brothers preferred it that way.

All in all it seemed as if life was finally back to normal with the queens reappearance. Praise was brought out the the King and his son for it was know they had found and saved the queen.

Rarely there was spoked about the human girl that was sired to the fourth brother and that it was through her only that they had found the queen and it seemed to be fine with them all. It was an unpleasant memory to think that their queen had been saved by a human that was changed against the law.

Everyone seemed to be alright with it that the fourth brother had taken his creation away with him. No one seemed to know where they had gone; the king confirmed that Kyros had told him that he was going to leave but had never mentioned where too.

Azalea had been bothered at first that she was not capable of properly getting to know the girl that had given so much for her but was reassured by the king that it was better that way and everyone else who had know her agreed upon that.

But there was one.

There was one who wasn't quite the same after everyone else had settled down.

It was the Prince, for if he had been a monster before he was a savage now.

He only had one mood and it was an angry one, if that one changed it was for the worst. Everybody tried to walk out of his way and when he strode through the castle halls, the walking by people scurried off to not pass him.

The king and queen were immensely worried about his behavior and tried to figure it out but he would not talk to them about it, although King Lathan knew that it all had gone down the moment he had found Avery gone from her room.

Prince Elían had been consumed by his pureblood ever since then. He walked around with his eyes a deadly red and the black veins never left his features. 

The king had tried to get in contact with Kyros but it was as if he and Avery were swallowed by earth itself he thought maybe if he knew where they were Elían would gather himself, because dealing with his son was soon becoming to much for him, in fact, there was no dealing with him.

Often it was for days that no one heard of or saw the prince and every time he returned they hoped he had regained control over himself but each time they were disappointed by worst, fearing that  Prince Elían was lost forever to his own beast.

Ever since the news of the prince's behavior at the new years party came out The kingdom had hoped that he was changing but now they feared to have lost their prince.

Not even his mother was capable of calming him down and if word of that got out it was official, he would wreak havoc.


A scream tore through the night as the prince's fangs sank down another victims neck. The sound of struggle was music to his ears. It satiated the beast inside of him.

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