Chapter 28

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Many twists and turns are yet to come.

As always enjoy and...spare a vote, comment?

Merry Christmas to you all and a happy New year!


Prince Elían's POV

The crimson liquid hit my tongue. I was sent into a reverie.

No words could explain the sensation it produced. It was hot, it was smooth like satin it flowed down my throat, satisfying the monster inside of me. The pureblood, a beast that was always in for a kill.

I sucked harder at the fragile finger that belonged to the girl.

Somewhere a hand was trying to pull me back put as a menacing growl rumbled through my chest it stopped.

When the cut became to little for my needs I aimed for the girls wrist.

She shrieked when my fangs pierced her skin and bore into her flesh; but that was how it was, when the pureblood took over there where no emotions, no regret, no guilt just an insatiable yearning that a predator has for its prey.

My fingers were clamped around her wrist my nails digging into her skin but not enough for it to break.

She was trying to resist and tear free but that only made her blood pump faster.

I knew nobody would stop me I would either stop myself or drain her dry.  Thinking of her dead produced a peculiar feeling in my insides. 

I opened my eyes and stared straight into her horrified blue ones. Again they captured me and my lips released her wrist. 

For a moment the world seemed to hold still. She was staring at me and I at her. I was expecting utter fear and horror. Yes, it was there but something else as well; something like amazement and wonder.

Without consent my tongue flickered out and its point lapped the blood on her wrist. Her mouth opened and a soft gasp escaped her lips. It sent my already hyperactive senses into frenzy.

All I wanted to do was bury my fangs deep into her neck and drink all of her blood.

But something stopped me. 

Was it the taste of her blood?


What then?

Her silent fear but amazement?


But there was something else, something I couldnt quite catch on.

Something fierce but beautiful; something that was strong enough to hold my pureblood willpower back.

I lifted my head to stare into her orbs once again.

They seemed wanting to tell me something but were yet to keep it a secret.

She looked back without thinking of what I had told her; to only look at me when I allowed it.

Did I allow it? 

Hell no.

My lips curled back into a loud sneer. She gasped but her gaze never faltered.

I stood tall and towered far over her petite stature. 

I willed my ability to take over her and commanded her body to look to the ground. Confused she lowered her eyes and was now looking onto the concrete floor.

I forced the beast inside of me to retreat and returned to my normal appearance. I stepped closer until I was lurking dangerously close over her.

"You forgot to never look at me without my consent.", I hissed.

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