Chapter 17

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Avery's POV

A searing pain drove through my chest.

'I thought he was here to save me. He's one of 'them'.

"Please, Avery I'm so sorry," Leo's voice seemed far. My head was clouded and hurting. I felt anger towards Leo and betrayal from Layla.

"Oh," I whined ,"why all these emotions."

I wanted to punch him in the face, but at the same time fall before his feet and beg him to not leave me here.

The only guy I had ever truly wanted: A vampire and a mate to my best friend.

I had heard and seen too many unnatural things the past days, my mind gave in, it wanted a rest.
My knees were the first to hit the stone floor, after that everything just faded away.

Leo's POV

In shock I watched as Avery lost it. I reacted just in time to keep her head from hitting the floor. Slowly I laid her head down and stared at her pale face with mixed feelings.

It surprised me at how much she seemed to have cared for me when I didn't even notice her attraction.

"Why does it affect her so much?", I asked Sir Castor.

He stared at her before he answered "I guess her vampire side is kicking in."

"What?", I yelled "she's turning?"

"Well what do you expect, she was bitten." His voice declared that he was not happy about it.

"But she still smells completely human," I couldn't understand.

"Yeah, that's the thing her body isn't changing as it should be, by now I would expect her to be craving for blood.", he explained with a scowl on his face.

I was taken aback and speechless, I stared at him open mouthed. The shock was the same as if they would have told me that a vampire had died due to cancer or some illness. Avery a vampire was.....

'A disaster'

 In that instant I knew something would change in the vampire kingdom.

"Does the king know?", I wondered.

"Yes, he does", I was surprised at Sir Castors behavior. I had expected him to be unfriendly and kill me instantly.

I shot another glance at Avery's motionless body on the stone floor, and regretted the blunt way I had told her about me and also about Layla, it was no wonder her human brain would shut itself away after these dramatic discoveries and changes.

My own mind was beyond troubled and I had to get out of here. Without another word I left the dark dungeon, when suddenly Castors voice made me freeze.

"Where do you think you're going, little rogue", his voice was cold.

Slowly I turned to find him right behind me. "You think you can snow in here and melt right out?", his choice of words made me doubt that he was the bloody mad man, the vampire world thought him to be.

I opened my mouth but my voice failed me. 

Suddenly his hands where in the back of my neck his nails digging into my skin. His strength was indescribable, it was a death grip and I knew, one wrong move would end my existence.

With a hard shove he pushed me down the stairs I had begin to ascend; never loosening his grip, soon I found myself in front of a second room similar to Averys.

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