Chapter 68

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Enjoy while it lasts.....hint hint ;)

Avery's POV

"Avery." Azalea whispered in disbelief.

"Avery ," she yelled now, a dark silhouette appeared in the distance. "how did you find me?"

I smiled tiredly, "One of my wayward dreams took me here."

"Oh my dear, are you here in one of those?" She sounded worried.

"Yes, somehow the invisibility spell was not active in my dreams." I tried to explain something that I didn't even know off.

"But darling you should leave now its far to dangerous here, you're exposed to them all." She sounded worried.

"Exposed to who?" I wondered.

"Oh my word AVERY," she screamed, "you did not come alone did you?"

I smiled she must have seen the men, "No Azzy he is here, they both are,no actually all three of them are here."

A scream of delight escaped her. "This is not happening."

"Azzy I know you said he was dead the only one who could save you but I don't think he is, if I'm not wrong he's attempting to unbind the barrier right in this moment." Azalea squealed at my words.

"Isn't it him? Your half brother whom you killed to create vampires? The one Azalea cursed you with am I right?" I had figured it out.

"Oh Avery, who are you even?" Excitement was evident in her voice.

I didn't know if I should tell her it might not work or give her hope, because I had no idea myself.

Suddenly the silhouette of what I was sure was Azalea seemed to fade away. I called for her but she didn't respond.

The silhouette was gone.

Panicked I began to look around in the faint light.

Much further away I noticed how what I thought must be Kyros and the Prince stood facing each other, I assumed they where working on taking down the barrier.

The king stood guard and a fourth silhouette stood facing them, it was Azalea she had passed on along with the barrier to become visible.

But why was I left in this.. What seemed like a different realm?

Why had I not woken up from my sleep?

A shiver of fear passed through me. Kyros has compelled me to sleep, there was no way I would wake up if he didn't tell me too.

Claustrophobic panic attacked me. I felt as if stuck in a tiny environment.

"Well what do we have here?" I jumped at the new voice.

'What the...?'

"So here we are again, interesting how I find you unprotected isn't it." My mind didn't want to believe what I was hearing.

"You've been very stupid you know that? What did you think trying to free Azalea? How the hell did you even find her?" Valiria was angry.

" I thought you where dead." I snarled.

"Oh darling" she chuckled darkly, "I am, but right now so are you."

I felt a presence behind me and swirled around just to be met by faint darkness.

Again it felt as if behind me but when I turned I saw nothing.

Shivers of fear rippled down my spine.

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