Chapter 58

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Yay for me, I wrote another one!

Elían's POV

An image of Avery holding a baby in her arms flashed before my eyes.

'Mother of new nation?'

I shook my head and tried to get rid of the image, it didn't fit one way or another. 

Kyros's eyes were still on mine and it was as if he had me in a trance because I couldn't look away. His eyes seemed to want to tell me something but I was not sure what it was.

I felt something that was foreign to me, I was nervous.

Dimitri and the others had confusion written all over their faces.

Kyros took Avery's motionless body in his arms and placed her in the bed.

"I will try and see if she went somewhere in her dreams, she is much to weak to do something like that right now." He spoke lowly.

Once she was on the bed he sat down on the bed side and closed his eyes his forehead creased in concentration.

After a moment of complete silence he slowly opened his eyes.

"Seems like she is fine for now." He muttered.

Again his eyes landed on mine and as he got up and slowly stepped towards me I had the urge to back away but I stayed still.

"I have an ability just like yours, I can show you instead of telling you." He spoke quietly.

'Tell me what?'

He lifted his hand close to my head and pressed his index and middle finger to the side of my head.

In an instant images flashed before my eyes, more like a movie.

-There was a picture of a beautiful girl in front of me. Her blue eyes reminded me of Avery's. Her attire consisted of an old fashioned dress and I realized what Kyros was showing me, was something of his past.

The girl was wandering in a small village's streets. People greeted her left and right and young men where no doubt trying to capture her attention. She was charming to say the least. 

Her beauty was enough to make one stop and wonder for a moment.

As she came to the end of the village there was a small cottage close to the forest and I was surprised to see her walking towards it. As she approached the door I expected her to knock but she stepped right in. 

A surprised grunt came from a man that turned around to face her. 

My breath got stuck.

It was none other then Kyros himself. His body was covered in old and dirty clothes, his hands raw and hard from work, but unmistakably the same man. 

He sighed in relief when he saw it was her but a worried crease never left his forehead.

"Arina, how often must I tell you to not come in the middle of the day you know that your parents don't want you here.", Kyros went to her and embraced her.

The smile that had been on her lips in the streets had vanished. 

"Kyros," she whispered her voice sounding anguished.

Kyros stepped back and looked at her, expecting her to speak further.

"Kyros," she whispered again, "I'm....I am,' A single tear ran down her cheeks as her voice cut of.

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