Chapter 5

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I woke up with a groan escaping my lips and muscles where screaming in protest; the fire in my body was gone but therefore a severe muscle ache threatened to rob my breath.

I didn't want to move, and I just kept laying there on the hard and cold ground of the cell.

My eyes wandered over the room I was in, it looked like a dungeon more than an ordinary jail. It was dark and smelled rotten.
I didn't know why they had taken me to this place.

I heard distant voices and I tried to get up, pain shot through my neck and into my body, I halted for a moment and yelped quietly. Why was I suddenly in pain?

Luke and Tyrel had said that I had been bitten, but by what? I didn't believe it.
I decided to stay on the ground and crawled to the door of iron bars.

'Yeah definitely a dungeon' the thought ran through my head once I looked through the bars.

"Hello " I my voice was raspy and I coughed.

I hadn't had a drop if water or some food since yesterday in the morning and I wasn't sure what time of day it was right now. I felt miserable.

I heard the footsteps come closer and once again I saw the same boots I had seen in the forest, stop in front of me.

"What do you want " it was Tyrel.

I looked up at him there where so many things I wanted right now I didn't know what to say.

"I want to get out and go home", I whispered, talking loud just hurt to much.

Tyrel chuckled "Oh you want to go out? Well I have news for you"

I waited for him to tell me what news, when he didn't I asked

"What news?,"

He reached through The bars and grabbed my chin in his big hand, pulling my neck up which made me cry out in pain.

"You are never going home," his grip grew tighter and I struggled to stand up trying to release the pressure but he was much taller then me it didn't help.

Ragged breaths escaped my nose it was hard to breath.
Suddenly he released me and I fell back to the ground.

"Now I'll ask you again'', Tyrel barked "what do you want"

"Water" I whispered defeated.

He grinned "Oh I'm sure you will want more than just water" he scoffed out the word water.

I looked at him confused. "Just water " I said again.

"Alright if you say so" he turned around his grin wider than before.

'Yeah I want food too', but I would not ask for that.

Soon he came back with a tall glass of water, once he placed it on the floor just pass the barred door I crawled over to get it.

I gulped down the water but stopped short it stung so bad in my throat, the water was ice cold.

"Aaaah" I yelled.

Tyrel just stood there watching me with the same smirk.

I was so thirsty I had to drink more, slowly I set the cup to my dry, parched lips. This time I took a small amount and instantly my throat felt better I took my time drinking even though I wanted to gulp it down as fast as I could.
I took small sips till the cup was empty. All the while Tyrel had been quietly watching me.
Now he crouched down to my eye level.

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