Chapter 43

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Wohooo I'm excited ....#155 in vampire ranking I can't believe it!!!

Prince Elían's POV

I didn't think it would ever come to this, I didn't think that there would ever be an army, coming to fight against my father's court.

But here I was fangs bared, claws out slashing my way through foreign vampires.

Suddenly a shrill whistle sounded and everyone seemed to freeze including me.

'No, the witch from China.'

But that didn't make sense because even our opponents seemed frozen.

Suddenly the whistle shrilled again and the frozen state left my body but before I had time to regain posture every opponent disappeared in front of my eyes.

One moment they where there and the next they where gone. Guards looked around surprised and those close to me looked questioningly at me.

I saw my father stalking towards me with large steps a frown on his face.

"Guards", he barked, "secure the grounds."

The soldiers scurried of and my father arpoached me now.

"This is a trap."

I nodded and still didn't know what to speak. My mouth felt irritatingly dry and an uneasy feeling settled in the pit of my stomach.

I turned around and walked into a random direction.

"Elían what is it?" My father called behind me.

I flashed into the castle's back yard and stopped short as the feeling intensified.
I started jogging and as I began to leave the house behind the feeling only grew.

Something was off here.

I ran further and further until I came to a stop in front of the entrance to a garden Azalea had created.

Since she had been a witch of nature she had enjoyed growing plants and greenery enchanting them with her magic and had like that created a magnificent garden.

The gates where closed and hadn't been opened for many many years. The raging trees that had engulfed the gates hung now lifeless and sad.

Something foreign urged me to walk inside. Instead of opening the gates I jumped over and landed in a mash of dead leaves. Before when everything had still bloomed the trees were so thick that not much sunlight reached the ground.

I walked along the dirt covered path of stones further into the garden, an eerie feeling embraced the atmosphere. I was in a witches domain and even though I had been in here before I had always waited for Azalea's invitation inside if I had come.

Warily I walked forward ready to move if something was out of place.

I came to the part where Azalea ussually had resided and stopped to look around.

Suddenly I noticed fog coming down from the sky slowly creeping towards the ground and winding itself around the trees and plants.

Where moments before the sun had been, was now covered in a thick blanket of clouds.

Suddenly I felt the presence of someone behind me and froze when a hand was placed on my shoulder.

Even though I was a pureblood the uneasiness didn't leave my stomach.

"Hello Prince." I faintly recognized the voice.

It was Valiria.

Irritation clouded my mind and I swiveled around. Whereas I had felt her hand on my shoulder she was now standing a few feet away.

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