Chapter 37

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Avery's POV

It was in the morning, or that's what I figured anyway. The sun was not shining but it was not completely dark. I had lost track of my being away from home, if it was still my home. I felt like if I would go back now nothing would be the same.  I had come to know too many things.

I knew that winter had fully closed in now because there were, through the small window on top of the dungeon wall, flowing in occasional snow flakes. It was cold. Very very cold.

In fact I didn't know if I had ever been this cold my whole life.

Three days had passed since I had last seen the King, Prince Elían or one of the brothers.

I was fed and watered, like an animal; an animal no one really cared about.

The fire that swept through my body, well I was thinking that I was almost used to it but then it would blare with severe intensity and every night it seemed to just hurt a little more.

My wound was not healing at all, in fact even though I couldnt see it I felt it getting nastier.

At the times where I wanted to talk to Azalea or 'him' the most they seemed as if they never had been there. Not even my dreams carried me somewhere.

Being in the constant cold had left my already sore limbs almost impossible to function.

If there was someone weak and miserable I sure did fit into the category.

In the furthest corner of the cell there I was somewhat protected from the icy wind that blew in from the window, I curled up as best as I could on the stone floor.

>>I opened my eyes staring into darkness.

'No not here again.'

"Hello Avery", I nearly jolted at how close to my ear the voice sounded and felt cold breath fan across my neck. I shivered and tried to move away but of course I wasn't able to.

"It's now or never, see not even The brothers know who did this to you, let us just take your soul and you can be one of us.", there were no whispers just a voice speaking.

"One of you?", I questioned.

"Yes one of us."

"What do you do?" I was not sure if I wanted to know.

"Well mostly we just try to persuade lost souls like you, it's all we can do, since he killed us."

What did you do before he killed you?", I needed as many answers as I could get, even if it was from dead witches.

"We served Valiria."

"Valiria? Azalea's sister?",

"Yes, Azalea is a wimp for creating the vampires. We helped Valiria destroy her."

"How did you destroy her?"

"Gatáki, you have stop coming here,"

The voice laughed evilly, "The worst thing that can happen to a witch. We trapped her in a spell."

"How did you do that?"

"Oh of course she was very powerful and resisted but with a few dozen witches and her own sister we finally managed."

I was nearly dumbfounded that she would tell me so much.

"Where did you trap her."

The voice laughed harder ,"That's the best part. We left her just under everybody's nose."

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