Chapter 13

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Avery POV

I was mesmerized by the sight in front of me.

Sir Castors eyes where a capturing shade of red and his mouth twisted into a snarl. His fangs gleamed in the dark room.
He looked vicious, but at the same time beautiful.

I was confused with myself, until now I had been afraid of him, scared of what he was but here he was, a monstrous creature and I found him beautiful.

He came closer and if I would have wanted to retreat I couldn't have, the wall was already against my back. His hands reached up and intertwined with my hair.

With a soft growl he reached towards my neck.
I staggered pressing myself deeper into the wall.

His breath was warm against my neck, and I suppressed a scream, nobody would come anyway, he was the boss in this house.

I was glad that he had picked the other side of my wounded neck when I felt his sharp canines scrape along my skin.

Shivering with effort I kept in a moan.
His hands in my hair tightened their grip and the wetness of his tongue made me jump slightly.

My skin now burned where his mouth touched me and suddenly he latched on to my neck and I yelped as I felt his elongated teeth break my skin and sink into my flesh.

An excruciating pain erupted from the punctures he made, a scream formed in my throat but Sir Castors hand clamped over my mouth.

Suddenly he retreated and looked at me with his fiery eyes.

"Shit", he mumbled and cursed under his breath a trickle of blood running down his chin.

He pushed me away from him and I stumbled alongside the wall and in a flash he was out of the cell and locked the door.

I slumped to the ground, confused by what just had happened. I was exhausted and hurting, my head felt ten pounds heavier. Having a witch enter my mind was not something I wanted to experience again. And a vampire drink my blood? I shivered and my hand went to feel the punctures but I only came across with two small lumps that felt like they had started to heal.
I was to tired to think about it further but one thing kept running through my mind.

Why did I feel attracted to him?

Officer Gabe's POV

Staring at my Laptop I groaned, frustration bugging my mind to no end. It was two days since I had been at the vampire's mansion. And still Avery's parents were waiting for an answer, but I still had no clue on what I would tell them. It was not like I could go and say 'Hey your daughter was bitten by a vampire. Surprised? Yeah I thought so. Well she wont be coming back'

They hadn't contacted me since I told them not to. But surely Mrs. Young would be close to hyperventilating by now. I had to call them. And then suddenly my decision was made.

I would tell them that we'd keep searching and eventually they would discover that we would never find her.

It already hurt me that I would have to see them slowly accepting their daughter's fate.

I thought of Seline's offer, leave everything alone and live with her. But I knew that would never work I was getting older and when I would be old and wrinkled she would still be flawless and perfect.

And I knew that if it would not break a law I would let her turn me. I didn't like vampires but my beloved was one and I adored her with all my heart, for her I would do anything.

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