Chapter 30

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Avery's POV

Warily I clutched the grimoire to my chest. Something told me that I had to protect it. That if come into the wrong hands it would cause disaster.

I glanced around the room for a place to hide the book. The only place seemed to be under the mattress but that as well was very unsafe. 

As all of sudden footsteps came down the hall I panicked not knowing what to do. The steps came closer and closer and at last second I threw the book under the beds pillow.

To not look completely suspicious I made and attempt to climb into the bed and just as my first leg was in, Athena's head appeared through the doorway.

She strode in gracefully with a menacing gaze in her purple orbs. She didn't stop until her face was inches from mine.

She was staring straight into my eyes and I shifted uncomfortably. Her hands shot up and she steadied my head.

"Look at me.", she hissed.

My eyes shifted up and I noticed her vulgar clothes. 

'No wonder the prince is flirting with her.'

"What did you do to Luna", she asked lowly.

"I didn't do anything to her."

"She is scared of you, don't tell me you did nothing.", her voice was still quiet.

"I don't know, she just looked at me and she started to scream."

"Exactly, so what did you do to her, why did she scream?", her penetrating gaze became awkward, "why was your spirit so unsettling that it hurt her?"

The constant questions of something I had absolutely no clue of started to get on my nerve.

"You're a witch right, why don't you find out?", I snorted I was standing by now.

"You're right I'm a witch and I'm supposed to find out but I can't.", she sneered.

"Well then it must be something you're not supposed to know",I shot back.

I saw her hand flying before it connected to my cheek and it was faster than me; it stung in a very pissing off way and I clamped my teeth together to keep from yelling at her.

"You don't disrespect me." she snarled now, if she'd been a vampire her fangs would have been out.

"How come you do me then?"  I asked barely controlling my anger.

Her eyes turned into slits and her breathing became ragged.

"You....", her hand lifted and wave of pain hit me full force making me double over and fighting for breath.

I yelled quietly and the pain only intensified.

"Stop.", I gasped. 

"Never disrespect a witch." Athena's voice was raised.

"Whats going on in here?", King Lathan's voice suddenly boomed.

The pain ceased and I slumped onto the beds edge trying to catch my breath.

"She's a disrespectful snob," Athena snatched her voice still altered.

"So what did you find out?", the king asked her.

"Nothing, her mind is more sealed than ever.", she glared at me.

King Lathan sighed in frustration and turned to look at me.

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