Chapter 56

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Hello guys, here's another one.

Avery's POV

Panicked I began to wiggle around.


I realized that my legs felt as if not there at all. I touched them and pinched my thighs but I felt nothing.

The surrounding people where struck immobile by the white haired man's words. No one noticed me move.

'A witch and a vampire.'

That combination sounded deadly and he was both of it.

No one but the vampire witch himself noticed my struggle.

With furrowed brows he strode gracefully towards me and crouched beside me. 

"What is the matter dear?" His heavily accented words drifted into my brain and my head snapped up meeting his eyes.

The voice, the scent everything came crashing down on me.

It was him. The one everybody had searched for and now he was here. The voice that had spoken in my head all this time, I knew it was him.

"It's you!" I exclaimed but it came off as a mere whisper.

"It is me," he looked me squarely in the eye.

"Why did you come?" I couldn't feel the anger towards him that I wanted to feel.

"Let's get you out of here," he ignored my question and grabbed my hand to help me up.

When I tried to use my legs I realized again that it didn't work.

"I can't," I mumbled panic lacing my voice.

He reached down and swooped me into his arms and  turned around facing the king.

"Where can I bring her?" The king snapped his head up in surprise and stumbled over his own words for a moment. "I..uhm...follow me." he mumbled finally.

Nervousness overtook me as I realized my legs where over his arms and there was nothing I could feel in them.

While walking he never once looked at me and I didn't dare to either. I kept my eyes glued to my chest.

I noticed the remaining people follow us warily. To be  honest I was scared to death while being in this stranger's arms.

But he wasn't a a complete stranger was he? 

He had talked to me, consoled me, set me at peace and helped me while I was in danger in my dreams.

'He also bit you, forced you in the vampire world and made your life miserable.'

I argued like that back and forth for a few times until suddenly we where at the castle's back entrance.

I saw how the king held the door open for us to enter and how his expression was unreadable. Perfectly masked like most of the time.

For a fleeting moment I wondered what the Prince's expression might look like but then I was distracted when the man that held me in his arms set his beautiful eyes on me but only for a quick glance.

 We started walking again and soon we were in my room. Yeah, I admitted it now that it was my room.

As he lay me down on the bed I had the urge to curl myself into a ball and face away from him, but there was no way I could move my legs.

It was still a question to me why I hadn't been able to stay dead.

'I died didn't I?'

The King was standing in the doorway when he asked, "What is going on with her?"

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