Chapter 44

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Hey guys, I hope you enjoy!

And guess what my ranking went to #68 OMW guys I know it's because of you! Thank you so much

Prince Elían's POV

If I had ever been confused it was right at this moment. One minute Valiria is trying to persuade me with her words and in the next, she's standing in front of me.

My mother.

I didn't know how that was possible. Valiria killed her didn't she?

The silhouette that belonged to my mother was hovering above the water, making me wonder if it was her or her ghost only.

I took a step towards her but she seemed further away then she really was, her hair was flowing in the wind and her expression uttered extreme sadness.

I was sure she had used her power to rip Valiria away from me because I had felt a force pushing her away.

I stood there staring at her and she at me, there were no words spoken; I didn't know what to say I was dumbfounded.

I tried to take a step closer but she glided further back.

"Mother please, talk to me." I asked quietly.

I flashed towards the edge of the platform in attempt to at least catch her scent but the scent that entered my nostrils made me freeze midstep.

It wasn't Azalea's. It was Avery's.

'What is going on?'

My mind began to circle in a million directions. Nothing made sense at all.

I swiveled around trying to find the blue eyed girl but saw no one and when I looked at my mother's embodiment she was gone.

"No," the word slipped out of my mouth.

Slowly I made my way out of the garden, trying to make a bit of sense of what had just happened but to no avail.

As I came closer to the back entrance of the castle, realization hit me full force.
I had just nearly sold the entire court to a traitor, I had nearly sold myself to a lying witch.

The one who killed my mother.
Irritation flooded my veins for myself of not having been more careful, she had nearly controlled me.

And nobody should try to control me.

My attention got captured as Athena sped out the door wearing and angry expression hurrying towards me.

"Elían, your father asked me to bring the human into his office but when I went for her she wasn't there." She spoke after catching up with me.

For a moment I was about to say why I should care but then an alarm went of in my head.

Her scent had been in the garden.

With a scowl on my face I flashed through the castle nearly knocking down some of the kitchen staff that had begun to come from their hiding places, towards Avery's room.

It was empty just as Athena had stated.

Once back into the hallway I tried to catch her scent.

With a sense of irritation I began following it. Well I hardly had time to run after a stray human we had important matters to discuss, most of all now that Valiria had confirmed a war if I would not accept her offer.

I was taken by surprise once I realized where her scent was taking me, it was into my mother's section of the castle and stopped right by the entrance of her tower.

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