Chapter 14

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I'm sorry for the long wait...this summer is busy but here you go!!

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Avery's POV

Again a whole day and night had passed without me getting anything to eat, I was still weak from having Rayne trying to enter my mind and my stomach growled loudly.

Tyrel had come to let me go to the bathroom twice but he hadn't brought me food.

I was laying on the blanket with my back to the door, when suddenly Seline's voice was behind me "Are you hungry?" her voice was soft and sweet.

I turned around and sat up staring at her, not saying a word. Perhaps I was becoming mentally ill.

She placed a tray of food in front of me and came to sit at my side.

"Eat honey, you need it."

Honey? What?

I was still looking at her and she said "What? Have you seen a ghost?"

When I still didn't say anything she added "Oh I'm sorry, I know you must be quite in shock of all the information your brain must accept, but sweetie I'm just as much a vampire as you are human we both exist and I think we should give it a try living with each other. I mean we're not that bad."

Thinking of what she had said I wondered if she was a good vampire. For the other three I knew seemed cold. And still I was attracted to them.
I screamed frustration in my mind.

"Do you know why Officer Gabe is aware of this", I finally asked what had troubled me.

Her brows furrowed "You don't know?"

Shaking my head no she went on "Gosh do you even know why you're here?"

"Not really all I know is they want me to tell them who bit me and I don't know who it was".

Seline shook her head this time "I'm sorry, no wonder you are so confused, lets do it this way, you eat and I will fill the blanks ok?"

I nodded in agreement and looked at the food she had brought it looked like baked chicken with some kind of salad. My stomach growled in response. Seline chuckled and said "Well I guess that answers my first question."

Giving me a fork I tried the first bite and my taste buds danced at the deliciousness.

"Do you like it?"

"Oh yes" I said really smiling for the first time I had been here.

"Good, now where do I start? Oh right, you see we vampires are not allowed to change a human into a vampire. It's a rule set by the Three brothers and the king, so that's why we need to know who bit you."

I was in the dark "Three brothers? A king?", I asked confused.

"Oh right, you don't know, well let me make this easier. Now I don't want you to panic ok? I'm going to give you the knowledge through my ability."

"What?" I was confused further.

"Listen, some vampires have abilities for example Castor can know what a person is thinking and stuff like that, I can give you thoughts or kind of talk to you without using actual words. Do you understand?"

"Oh" I said in awe of what I was becoming to know "yes I think so."

"Right so now I'm going to do that to you so I don't need to tell you everything it's a long story".

I was beginning to like this woman, she was at least giving me some answers.

She took the plate of food out of my hands and told me to turn towards her. As I was sitting face to face with her, she went and touched either side of my face.

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