Chapter 62

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Hello guys, well what can I say I just hope you enjoy the chapter!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Elían's POV

Avery's father stared wide eyed at me.

"Excuse me", he asked still looking me up and down and behind me to the car, "but who are you?"

I knew that in the back of his mind he was taking the possibility that I was a vampire into consideration. I didn't look exactly human.

"Mr. Christakos." I said casually as if I was the new paper boy.

Mr. Young coughed awkwardly, "Uhm I believe we haven't met before?" 

"No we haven't." 

"Honey, who is there?" came a female voice from inside.

"Uhm, " Mr. Young stuttered, "he says....".

In that moment a woman came to the door and I immediately knew where Avery got her features from. In fact, this woman even resembled Kyros's beloved in some way.

"You said this man was?", Mrs. Young asked her husband.

"Let me rephrase that ," I said and her head snapped towards me, her eyes holding the same fear her husbands did. "I am Prince Elían Xzander Christakos."

For a moment they looked at me clueless but then realizations crossed their faces.

Avery's mother gasped loudly and her husband face was horror stricken.

Mr. Young was the first one to conceal his surprise. "With what may we help you?", he said politely avoiding eye contact.

"May I come in?", I asked and they both hurried to the side allowing my entrance.

Stepping inside I let my eyes wander over the room.

'So this is where Avery grew up?'

The couple followed me warily as I stepped further into the house.

"Her room?", I asked and Mrs. Young released another gasp. I turned towards them and saw the many questions they needed to ask but didn't dare to say a word.

"Its upstairs." Mr. Young said with a small voice.

Without another word or glance I went upstairs, I had to admit I wasn't very good at visiting humans.

"It's the last door to the right." Mr. Young called behind me.

Even if I would have wanted to I couldn't have missed her room; her scent was still there after the months.

As I entered, I noticed that everything was there just like she must have left it. A few textbooks on the desk, some clothes on the floor. 

With only looking at her room I felt as if I knew her better than before. The pictures she had on her wall. The books she was reading and even the color of her room told me stories about her.

I noticed that Avery's parents had come up too and were standing in the doorway.

Mrs. Young was the one who I noticed to be the most restless about my presence, she was scared but I knew that somewhere in her mind she hoped to hear something about her daughter.

"I would like to take some of her things with me if that's ok with you?", I asked her and she nearly jumped at my voice but quickly scurried towards the closet to fetch a suitcase.

"You can take whatever you want if it's for her," she said trying to force smile.

I only nodded and went into the closet.

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