Chapter 36

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Hey thanks to all of those who vote and comment and those who don't well shame on you lol!

  Hope you enjoy!


Avery's POV

I was still dazed by the exotic taste of blood. Though I was back in my cell and thrown in there roughly I might add; nonetheless I couldnt get the Prince's beautiful face out of my mind.

'You're ridiculous, very very freaking ridiculous'

'He's a monster, he wants to kill  you'

Those thoughts still didn't help to get his mesmerizing crimson eyes out of my head or the way his scent made me weak in the legs or how I wanted to kiss him.


I was frustrated with myself.                                               

Prince Elían's POV

What had I done? What had I been thinking?

Right, that was the problem I had not been thinking, well anyways not right at that moment that was for sure.     

Give her my blood? Now that was one of the most stupidest things I must have ever done.

But then again, why had she wanted it so bad? It had almost been like she was a newborn vampire but she was after my blood. Vampire blood. 

Warily I walked towards my father's office, wondering where he and the three brothers had gone.

I entered without knocking and stopped abruptly at the peculiar sight in front of me. The brothers were sitting around the room each feeding on a human. They didn't feed hungrily or aggressively no they were calmly sitting in a chair and sipping the blood out of the human's veins.

I was surprised, my father was not very fond of bringing humans into the castle.

The kings head snapped up from where he had been busy with paperwork. 

"The girl.........", he started.

"Yeah she's back in her cell." I interrupted.

"No I mean, about what she said to me."

'What had she said?'

"Oh you mean the warning? That was probably some random blabber because of the pain she felt." I waved it off.

"No Elían, we know she's been having some kind of dreams."

"Doesn't mean they mean anything."

"I know that, but why would she dream something like that."

My father was worried and I didn't blame him but she couldn't even speak her own name so why should we listen to her when she blabbered random stuff especially something like somebody was coming after my father.

Hell I dared that sucker to come after us. If he existed.

With the sudden rage that I felt coursing through my body I wanted to know what exactly she knew about the strange  things she had said.

Just as fast as I had left the dungeon I was back in again. Some of the prisoners gave me curious looks as I strode down the corridor for they had never seen their prince as often in the dungeon as they did now.

Stopping in front of the cell that held the girl, I could already smell her blood and mentally growled at the lovely scent.

She was sitting at the further end of the wall facing the cell door, her knees tucked to her chest and her head down. Her long hair was falling down, covering her face and the nasty neck wound. 

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