Chapter 34

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Oh and if you have friends that like to read, tell them there's an "awesome" writer out there who likes support and readers.

I'm truly sorry for the long wait but I'm having a bit of trouble while writing....hope it's worth the wait!


Prince Elían's POV

As I said the words to my father that I wanted to kill her an odd feeling surrounded the air. It smelled of tears and pain.

With furrowed brows I looked around the room to know what was going on. But it was of course empty besides my father and me. 

Suddenly a foreign scent hit me but when I sniffed the air it wasn't so foreign, it belonged to 'the girl'.  What the hell was her scent doing in 'my' piano room?

"I want you to behave while they are here." my father said.

"What?", I blurted to distracted by the scent.

"I said I want you to behave while the three brothers visit."

"Visit," I scoffed, "you mean condemn us to death for letting such a thing happen."

"Elían," my father warned. "I don't know what they want but they created me and all of the members of the council I will obey them of course."

"You know what they want," I mumbled irritatingly. I was still on the edge by the sudden smell of her.

I started walking out of the room when my father called me back.

"Elían, promise me you will be on your best behavior when they come, you are the prince and the future king you have to give a good image and not throw one of your many tantrums." His voice was serious like he was talking to a 10 year old which irritated me further.

I only shot him a glare and left the room. I had to find out if the girl was still in her cell or what was going on.

As soon as I entered the dungeon the guards stood taller and the prisoners grew quiet. They knew if the prince came into the dungeon in the middle of the night he was up to no good. Just as my father had said before: I throw tantrums.

With speed I reached the cell I was looking for. I looked inside and when I saw no one in there I hastily unlocked the door, looking around I still found no one but suddenly a heap of something in the left corner from the door caught my attention.

I stepped closer and saw that it was her. 

Well she was here, so why would I smell her in my room up in the castle?

"Your grace?", a quiet voice called from the cell to the right "are you there?"

I looked up and wondered who dared to call me?

"What?", I barked rudely.

"The girl, she....", he trailed off in a shaky voice.

His words caught my attention.

"She what,"I asked much softer.

"She was calling a name.", the voice remained shaky.

"What name?", I asked wanting him to cut straight to the point.

"Uhm...I...she called...", the man kept stammering and it ended my patience before the prisoner had time to utter another sound I was clutching him by his throat through the iron bars.

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