Chapter 8

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With mixed feelings of irritation and fear that he was capable of controlling me, I stared at his black eyes.
My hunger was forgotten, and I let the rest of my apple fall to the ground.

 Sir Castor stepped closer and I caught his scent of strong cologne. In any other occasion it would have smelled wonderful but now the male scent frightened me.

  I toke a step backward but I knew I couldn't back up far because the wall was behind to me.
  He came to a stop close to me, to close in my opinion.
  I took a close look at him, his skin was perfect and he was a handsome men.
Indeed very handsome.
  Instantly my mind compared him to Leo but I couldn't find any connection. Leo was a cute teen guy this, this was a real handsome man.
'Cut it, he kidnapped you and here you are thinking he's handsome.'

Sir Castor POV

I saw her observing me and her scent tickled my nose. I had a hard time controlling my blood lust, she smelled great, despite her being locked up nor been in a shower a while.
It was her blood that smelled wonderful.
I reached out my hand and touched her shoulder, she winced and soon her mouth opened to protest.

 "Shh" I said quietly making her hush.

With my other hand I went to expose her bitten neck.
The wound looked painful and I was sure it was. The blood had dried and the two holes where almost invisible by the infection of the whole wound.

 The blood had dried and the two holes where almost invisible by the infection of the whole wound

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I touched it slowly and her hand came up to stop mine.
It was soft and yet surprisingly strong, pulling mine back, away from the wound.

"You want me to heal it?" I asked quietly.

"Can you?" Her voice was stricken with fear.

"Yes if you tell me who did it."

I felt her tense up as I said that. She dipped under my arm and went away from me.

"Why do you say that, I don't know who it is" her voice had raised. "Why am I anyways here? You had no right to take me. I bet my parents will find you and you will spend the rest of your life in prison." 

She was yelling now but I let her, though she was going to regret it. Nobody had the right to yell at me.

I felt the familiar emotion of anger rising in my chest. Again I regretted it not having killed her right away but I knew I had done the right thing taking her with, after all she was supposed to be in transition now.

"Answer me" she yelled loud this time.

Not wanting to loose my control and snap her neck I turned around and walked to the door as I closed it she came and held on to the bars trying to stop me.

I kept my head down because my fangs where out and I felt like hissing at her.
Hurrying I  locked the door and turned to walk away.  I blocked her voice out of my mind in order to be able to control my lust at the moment.
Sprinting to the closest window I could find I jumped out; It was time to get some help for this girl. I had questions that needed an answer.

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