Chapter 41

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Prince Elían's POV

I woke up, the sun starting to set. My body felt rested and I was hungry but this time for food.

I got dressed and made my way down the kitchen. The staff eyed me warily, scared to death that I would feed from them next or angry that I had from their friend. Oh well that was life, they'd better cope with it.

When I entered the kitchen through the double doors everyone grew silent and bowed.

"My prince, what can I be assistance off?" It was the head chef and his voice was quivering.

I went to the table to sit down and looked at him with my still sleepy eyes a grin spreading across my face due to their alarmed faces.

"Got something to eat?",I asked him and he relaxed and slightly smiled back at me.

"Of course we do, what would you be wanting."he still remained wary nonetheless.

"Whatever, I don't care." I mumbled.

When nobody moved and still stared at me wide eyed, my good mood began to sway.

"Of you go," I said harsher than intended.

Like busy bees the cooks began swarming around, it was funny to watch my food being cooked in vampire speed. I had never watched it before.

A maid set two goblets of blood in front of me and was gone just as fast as she had come. In less than five minutes a plate of a full meal landed in front of me.

It was beef prepared similar to a steak, vegetables, potatoes, it was all there. Seconds after a piece of chocolate cake was placed beside it.

I looked up to see them looking at me expectantly and I picked up the fork that had somehow arrived neatly as well and tried it.

"This is great, thanks guys." I told the kitchen staff.

I heard a few female gasps. Yeah, this was probably the first time I had thanked them for something.

"If you don't mind preparing another plate like this?" I asked and watched as they got busy again.

I finished the meal topping it off with the desert. When I got ready to leave, the second plate I had asked for was waiting on the table. I knew of someone who would enjoy it. 

Avery's POV

I woke up from a deep sleep feeling  genuinely good. Well maybe not that good but better than I had. Not even odd dreams had disturbed my sleep

I got up to reach for the water bottle to satisfy my thirst when a knock sounded on the door.

The knob turned and revealed a man that made who made my heart beat faster.

In his hand there was a plate filled with food and and in the other a plate with a chocolate cake. How he managed to open the door was out of my understanding.

With wide eyes I watched as he strode in gracefully the plates not even swaying and also his relaxed expression.

I slowly sat up in bed and he placed the plate onto my lap and while leaning down I caught a whiff of his cologne making me want to bury my nose into his clothes and smell it forever.

His large hand held out a wrapped up fork and I slowly took it not knowing what to think of this gesture. 

When I didn't make a move to start eating,  he sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed. I was feeling uneasy about his closeness.

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