Chapter 7

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'Within Temptation' 'Faster' some of their songs help me to get inspired. Her voice is capturing.


Sir Castor's POV

I watched from a distance as Tyrel healed her wound. I wasn't sure why he would do that he had never seemed the caring type he was cold hearted just like most of us.
In our world being soft was not an option.

The three brothers had sought a king that would live in harmony and he was, but through power and I was doing no less.
I should've killed the girl right there in the forest but I had been to surprised because she had been bitten. Something that wasn't supposed to happen.
I would have to inform my brother of it, if I didn't find her sire soon.

I slipped further away as Tyrel got out of of the cell. And with him came the scent of her and I felt my fangs grow.
My body urged me to go and drink her blood but I wasn't going to do that.
I decided I would have to be fully fed if I wanted to be around her or else I wouldn't be able to control myself.

I walked out of the cellar where the dungeon was and found Tyrel storing away his utensils.

"Why did you do that" I asked him quietly.

He flipped around to face me,
fear crossing his features
"I...I...", Tyrel stuttered and I cut him of.

"Its alright, I'm not mad at you" I said and I saw him calm down instantly.

"I don't know why I did that " he confessed quietly.

I walked away without further comment and I heard Tyrel sigh in relief.
A smirk crept across my face.
I was glad to see that even the man I trusted most to work with, had full respect for me.

Avery POV

Something pulled at me but I fought it, I knew I was going to wake up but I tried my hardest to stay in oblivion. I didn't want to wake up.

Sleep was much more preferable than being awake.

My eyes fluttered open and I let out a frustrated sigh.I knew what was waiting for me, that's why I didn't want to wake up.A cold, dusty stone floor met my gaze and I shivered at the freezing temperature.

I knew it wasn't very cold outside but being captive in a dungeon made of stone where the sun had no room to shine made the air crisp and it left me shivering. I clamped my teeth together to keep them from clattering.

My stomach felt like a hollow pit. I hadn't consumed a crumb of food since the morning when Layla had come over, that was two nights ago.

I wanted to yell and bang on the door for someone to bring me something to eat. But I didn't move, my body ached of weariness and lack of nourishment.

I huddled as far as possible into the shelter of the blanket to keep the cold out.A faint burn started to form on the left side of my neck and it took me a moment to remember what I had seen in the mirror.

I slowly went to touch it and I winced at the feel of a dry, crusted wound and the increasing burn it produced.

I didn't know what was happening to me. Or if something was going to happen due to the bite.
Again fear over took me as I though about the world I lived in.


It was so strange, the thought, that I had a hard time believing it.

'Maybe its not true maybe I was just so tired and my mind played games with me.'

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