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Here it is! What we've all been waiting for!

Avery's POV

I looked around my surroundings. I had been here before and was over and again robbed of breath by its beauty.

A forest in Greece.

Was there a place more beautiful then that?

The first time I had come here was a little over three months ago, it had been the day after Kyros and I arrived here.

I wound my way through the thickness and felt how nature called to me, how its divine power asked to be used and molded into magic.

I was a witch of nature, fire, water, earth and air were the elements that lay at my disposal. I felt the tingling beneath my fingers and ever since Kyros was teaching me how to make use of that tingling I was beginning to feel one with the elements.

The way I was capable of molding air into shapes, send it flying or make it disappear in an instant so it was not there at all; the way water felt beneath my fingers when I touched it creating big waves or the tiniest swirl in the midst of a big ocean or the way fire was not hot when I touched it and yet burned wherever I sent it to and when I buried my hands into the soil I felt every root and each dirt crumb ready with power for when I needed it.

It was still all very new to me and there was so much to learn yet but I knew that I didn't need to be scared of it anymore and that I did in fact have the best teacher there was for it.

Kyros, my antecedent.

Seeing him everyday for the past months had taught me to see him in a different light. There was so much more to him then the white haired stranger I had seen before.

 My respect had grown for him or better said, he had taught me to respect him. He was strict and demanded obedience but it wasn't hard to follow, his light humor and easy smirk on his face took away the edginess.

I remembered his grin when he had showed me his compound for the first time. A very large castle like mansion was what he called his place to live, with vampires, witches and even some humans alike to serve him, he was king of his own kingdom and it was one I preferred to live in by far, compared to the other one I had tried.

I would be perfectly at peace if it wasn't for the heartache I constantly felt for the one 'who's name shall not be spoken.' 

I had refrained from thinking about 'them.' I had tried so hard to forget to leave it all behind me but many images were embedded in my mind and now I only tried to cope with it.

There were far more important things I had to concentrate on, like adapting to my vampire form and my witch side.

They were two completely opposite things a vampire and a witch and yet I had to learn to cope with both. I could be a witch or a vampire but not both at the same time. While wielding magic I was not capable of using a vampire ability and the other way around either.

According to Kyros is was the only downfall the combination of the two species had but for me it seemed only fair. It was not right to be able to be both things at the same time, it would have made us to far beyond of the others.

I remembered the mark on my torso, it was indeed a curse.
Maybe Valiria knew what she had been doing for she had not just cursed me with magic she had cursed me with dark magic.

In the beginning when I opened myself to the magical world I had fought hard to stay clear from dark magic because it was the one closest to the surface, it was the one easier to achieve and I had to learn the difference.

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