Chapter 29

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Third person's POV

Luna and Flora rapidly ran out of Avery room.

Luna's ability was a strange one. She was capable of sensing peoples emotions and also danger or treason.

What she had felt in Avery's room was something she had never felt before, just darkness and evil.

They found the king in his office and didn't even bother to knock.

"Girls what is it now...", his voice trailed of as he saw his daughters horrified expression.

"Luna?", he asked carefully.

"Something is wrong", she cut straight to the point, "I was waking Avery and then suddenly the feeling came. Oh father it was horrible, horrible." Luna's eyes were wide it seemed as if she was about to cry but no Luna Christakos didn't cry very easy. 

The king stood from his chair and came around the desk to stand in front of his daughter.

'"What did you feel?", he asked quietly.

Luna shuddered "It...was, I dont even know how to explain."

"At least try", the king urged softly.

"There was so much darkness and more darkness and even more darkness." her voice was a quiet whisper.

King Lathan's brows furrowed.

"Where did you feel this?"

"In Avery's room."

The kings eyes darkened further.

"Do you want to go back?", he was visibly controlling his fury.

Luna nodded.

Avery's POV

After Luna and Flora left there was nothing else left for me to do then go back to sleep. As my mind drifted of I was sent into another disturbing dream or was it a reality?

>I was staring into darkness; there was nothing to see and nothing to hear, until...the sound of a distant whisper echoed close to my ears. What they said I couldnt understand and a cold breeze was tearing at my clothes.

Frightened I looked left and right but came in contact with nothing else then utter darkness.

The whispers became louder and its words were audible but none that I understood it was a foreign language.

'An érthete edó tha pethánoume, allá an mas voithísete eseís synithisménoi.'

The words were embedded in my mind instantly. I didn't know what they meant but I could speak them.

  'An érthete edó tha pethánoume, allá an mas voithísete eseís synithisménoi'

'An érthete edó tha pethánoume, allá an mas voithísete eseís synithisménoi' 

'An érthete edó tha pethánoume, allá an mas voithísete eseís synithisménoi.' 

Over and over the voices whispered the same thing. I had to find out where they came from or what they meant.

Suddenly another voice entered my head.

"Dont...go further." his velvety whisper wheezed out of breath.

"What is wrong," I asked worried.

" here", he gasped.

"What is this place?"

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