Bonus chapter

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Hello I'm back!

Avery's POV

My heart beat drummed furiously against my chest. I would have thought being a vampire would stop that certain human trait but perhaps it was not just a human one after all.

I forced myself to take one step after another towards the rather large private jet.

I dreaded going where the airship would take me.

'Why had I let him talk me into it?'

The steel hand that was pressed firmly against my back confirmed that there was no going back now.

After the encounter with the Prince in the forest, a month had passed and now he had decided it was time to get back and he wouldn't leave without me, according to him.

Heated arguments had passed between us but he was the Prince just like he had always been.

Nearing the steps that would take me up into the plane my steps faltered. I glanced up and saw a pair of obsidian eyes staring down into mine.

The determination set deeply within the black pools left no room for argument. 

Tentatively I began the ascend and swallowed the thick knot that had formed at the back of my throat. 

His hand never left my back until I was seated in the luxurious interior of the jet. He  bent over and carefully secured the safety belt, resting his hand on my thigh he stared into my eyes once again.

It was as if  he was trying to tell me something but he never voiced the words.

He left to walk into the cockpit and I released a shaky breath.

'Will it ever end?'

His presence released an uneasy feeling in my gut and not necessarily a bad one but his closeness riled me up over and again.

After a moment he came back and seated himself across from me, there was a small table in between.

The engines of the plane came to life and slowly it pulled into motion. My hands gripped the seat handles tighter, take off didn't scare me but it wasn't exactly the most welcoming feeling in the world.

Once in the air I noticed his fervent stare on me again.

'What's his problem?'

"With what did you get here?", I tried to avert his gaze from mine, referring as to how he had gotten to Asia.

He was silent when finally a ghost of a smile flashed across his lips.

"I swam," His deep baritone never ceased to make my insides churn.

I gaped at him and his smirk turned into a grin.

"Or did you think I'd turn into a bat and fly here?" I had discovered there was a humorous side to him, which in my opinion he revealed much to little.

His eyes brows cocked as I glared at him from the side.

"You know better then that, mikro gatáki".

My lips pressed into a small line he had gone from calling me kitten to little kitten. Really?

I scoffed, "No, but I'm sure you grew wings and flew here didn't you?"

"Of course, that's what I always do." He winked.

I bit my lip. How did he manage to lift me out of my seat by only a quick motion of his eye?

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